Chapter 27

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Astrid took Liam's hand and led him down the hall and into a meeting room "What's up?"

Astrid had been a bit blown away by the onslaught of emotions she'd felt from Liam the moment they'd completed the bond. They had quickly died down to only lust, desire and love, but since then, she'd been wading through hurt, sadness, and anger. Liam hid them so well, and she really hadn't said anything to him so far. He'd blocked some of them off today, though occasionally they would spill through, surprising her. She'd have to talk to him about it later and let him know it was okay for him to share. She wanted all of him.

Liam looked at her and how beautiful she was this morning. He still couldn't believe he was fully mated to her. "I think I want to join your pack. I don't want to go back to class as a rogue. I just wanted to know what you thought before I asked."

Astrid nodded. She could understand why. While Liam was accepted here without any issues, other werewolves could have problems with him being a rogue. Especially since he was taking Alpha classes. She was already concerned with how Blake was going to treat him. "I think it's a good idea too."

"I can feel your concern." Liam pulled her into his arms, and breathed in her scent deeply.

"I'm mostly concerned about Blake," she admitted, snuggling against him.

"I know. He's temperamental." Liam sighed.

"Liam, it's okay to share your feelings with me. You don't have to block them," Astrid reached up and cupped his cheek.

He stared down at her with a sigh. "I don't want to overwhelm you. My emotions are all over the place."

"And I'm here to help you through them. It's not going to scare me off," she said, staring at his beautiful eyes. She felt them hit her a bit harder as he closed his eyes. Her heart broke at how much he was experiencing. Oh Liam. "I'm here for you, my love."

His eyes opened and glowed for a moment and he nodded. "It's not always like this."

"I know. And we're going to get back to that point. Together." She pulled him down for a brief kiss.

He wrapped his arms around her and they held each other for a long moment and she felt him grow calm. "Are you ready to head back?"

"Yeah." He'd already left the King and Queen waiting for too long. Liam frowned when his phone started to ring and pulled it out of his pocket. "I need to take this."

Astrid felt his apprehension and nodded. "Want me to stay?"

"No, you can go back. I'll be right there," Liam told her.

She nodded and left the room, then headed back into the dining room. She sat back down at the table. "Liam got a phone call. He'll be right back."

Daniel and Jenna both nodded, and Astrid focused on Liam's emotions. She could feel the apprehension still but then it was overtaken by anger. She frowned. "Something happened."

She looked up as Liam walked into the dining room. On the outside he appeared calm, but on the inside he was furious. She took a small breath in surprise as his fury rolled over her. He sat down next to her, and she immediately put a hand on his back, helping him to calm down some. "What happened?"

He took a steadying breath, the only sign he gave of his anger. "That was the Dean. My father withdrew me from school. He told them I would not be returning as I was no longer going to be Alpha."

Jenna gaped at him while Daniel clenched his jaw. Astrid took his hand. She knew Liam had thought this might happen, so he wasn't too surprised but still. His father was now just being spiteful.

Liam let Astrid calm him then looked at the Alpha King. "I'd like to join Regal Eclipse, Alpha."

"I think that's a wise decision," Daniel told him. "And I will make sure you continue your classes."

"Thank you," Liam breathed a small sigh of relief. Besides the importance of finishing his classes, he hadn't wanted to be parted from Astrid, and he wanted to see Finn. He felt more of his anger dissipate as Astrid rubbed his back.

"Normally we would do a ceremony at night, but given that you two need to fly back in a few hours, we'll go conduct it in a meeting room. I just need to bring in some people to witness and we can do that right away," Daniel stood, and reached down to help Jenna to her feet.

Astrid and Liam stood as well, and they all headed over to the same meeting room Liam and Astrid had just had their own conversation in. A few moments later, they were joined by Ragnar and Talia and the Gamma couple, Elijah and Cora, along with Elijah's brother, Nick.

Liam stared at them all, realizing he was standing in a room with some of the most powerful werewolves in the world. They all stood around laughing and chatting easily with each other. So different from his own pack. His gaze darted around to the different couples. He could easily see the love that they had for each other.

After a few moments, Daniel called for order and everyone grew quiet. They had formed a circle around Liam, Daniel and Jenna and waited patiently.

"I know this is short notice, but due to developing circumstances, we're going to go ahead and induct Liam into the pack before he and Astrid leave this afternoon. Liam, are you ready?" Daniel asked him.

Liam nodded. He'd really hated not being a member of a pack. The sadness he'd felt when his father had cut the ties to Redwood Pack hadn't really dissipated. "I'm ready, Alpha." He bowed his head, submitting to the King.

"You have been given a great privilege by being allowed to join Regal Eclipse, the royal pack. Do not take this privilege lightly." Daniel held his hand out to Liam.

He placed his hand in the Alpha King's and watched Daniel slice both of their hands. They clutched palms and Liam felt a warmth run through her as everything clicked back into place. He bowed his head to Daniel and Jenna.

"Welcome home, Liam Anderson!" Daniel announced as the others came forward to congratulate and hug him. He could hear other congratulatory remarks in his mind from other pack members who weren't present and he smiled at how welcome they all made him feel.

Finally, the room began to clear and Astrid slipped an arm around him. "Let's go for a run before we have to leave."

Liam smiled at her. "Sounds like a plan."

The Alpha's Fated Mate (Book 4 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now