Chapter 13

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Liam woke later that afternoon, feeling much more rested than he had that morning. He got out of bed and stretched. He was still a bit sore, but nothing like he'd been earlier. The bruising on his ribs was completely gone. He could feel Kai sleeping deeply, exhausted from healing him.

He left his room and wasn't surprised to find Finn gone. His brother was so rarely ever around. He wondered if Finn had even bothered to come home after class. Probably not.

He wasn't even sure anymore if Finn was still pursuing Emily, or he'd had sex with her and moved on to another woman. Whatever he was doing, or perhaps whoever he was doing, he wasn't doing them in their dorm.

Liam decided to go grab something to eat himself. He still had several hours to waste before he was to meet Astrid. Thoughts of her from that morning filtered through his mind. There were way too many hours between now and ten pm.

He knew he should probably go ahead and reject her tonight, and just get it over with. The longer he waited, the harder it would get. His need to complete the mating bond with her was starting to consume him. It would be better if he rejected her tonight. Pack first, he reminded himself. His father's favorite words.

That night, Liam took his time dressing and fixing his hair, not sure why he was putting so much effort into looking his best for her, but he couldn't help himself. He knew he had to reject her, and just get it over with. He didn't want to though.

His thoughts drifted to Persephone. He visualized himself kissing her, taking off her clothes, laying her on the bed to mate her.. he suddenly felt sick. At the rate he was going, he didn't think he'd be able to keep it up long enough to complete the task. And that's all it would ever be. A task, an obligation. He would have to produce an heir with her. Or maybe Finn could. One of them would have to. Ugh.

Liam left his dorm after checking the campus map for the library's location and headed across the campus, his mind all over the place as he thought about what he needed to do. Get her notes. Reject her. Get out. Should be simple. He'd make it quick.

'Is it time to see Mate?' Kai suddenly asked. He'd slept the entire evening.

'Yeah we're headed there now. Kai, we have to reject her. We don't have a choice,' Liam walked slowly up the steps of the library. He couldn't wait to see her, but at the same time, he was dreading what he was about to do to her.

'I know,' Kai said quietly. 'I don't want to though.'

'I don't either. But it must be done.' It was Liam's first time in the library, and it was mostly empty. He walked upstairs and scented the air. She was here and her scent called to him. He stopped briefly, breathing it in. Would she still smell this amazing after he rejected her? Probably not, and that wasn't a bad thing.

He followed his nose and found her seated at a table in the back. She was alone. She looked up as he approached, and his heart stopped. She wore a sundress tonight that showed off her long legs and strappy sandals. Her arms were bare. She looked so incredibly beautiful sitting there waiting for him, it made his heart ache. And he was about to crush the both of them. For the pack.

Astrid stood as he approached her and slowly looked him over, her heated gaze arousing him. "You look better."

"You look beautiful." He couldn't help but admire her. Looking at her had become his favorite pastime. He spent how many hours a week, just staring at her and listening to her voice? Not enough. it would never be enough. She was mesmerizing.

She blushed, which surprised him. He'd never seen her blush before. Her cheeks turned a rosy pink, delighting him even more. "Thank you."

They both stared at each other for a few moments, before Liam finally stepped forward, closing the distance between them. He needed to touch her again. He needed to hold her. Just once more before he rejected her. He had to feel those tingles, had to know what he was giving up. He'd remember them forever. They'd be a pleasant memory on those cold nights he was forced to bed Persephone. For the pack, he reminded himself.

She didn't move, just looked at him, her lips parted. He wondered how it would be to taste those lips. He reached out and touched her arms, and felt the tingles erupt between them, electrifying his every nerve ending. She stepped closer, closing the distance between them and right into his arms.

Liam couldn't believe how good it felt to hold her. He wound his arms around her and she rested her head against his chest. They stood there for several moments, just enjoying holding each other. He never wanted to let her go. She fit so perfectly against him. She was like coming home.

She pulled back finally and looked up at him. Liam studied her face up close, looking at her beautiful blue eyes. They were clear and fringed with long lashes. She had an adorable nose, small and perfect. And her lips. They were full, parted and waiting for his own. They were inviting him to take a taste. It would be so easy to close that small distance between them, to press his against hers.

He couldn't kiss her though. In a moment, she would no longer be his. He would have no right, no claim to those perfect lips anymore. He watched her tongue dart out briefly and wondered what she tasted like. Would he feel those tingles when he touched her lips with his own? He needed to know. One kiss wouldn't hurt, right? One kiss and then he would reject her.

He stared down at her for a moment, then dropped his lips to hers, giving in to the temptation. The kiss was explosive, and like nothing he could have ever imagined. She parted her lips to him, and let him explore her mouth. Liam pulled her even closer. Why had he waited this long to kiss her? She tasted so unbelievably good, and he couldn't get enough of her. One kiss and he was fully addicted to her.

"Astrid," he whispered when the kiss finally ended. "I can't stay away from you any longer." He was a moth and she was the flame. She'd set him on fire, and he'd happily be consumed by her. She'd be his end, and he didn't care.

"Then don't," she responded, pulling him down to her lips again.

That kiss was more explosive than the first, and Liam was so turned on, he wanted to pick her up and bury himself inside of her right there in the library amongst all of the books. He could lay her on the table right here. He'd never felt the need for a woman like he did Astrid. She was all consuming.

The sound of someone coming up the stairs penetrated his lust-filled thoughts, and made them break apart. Liam reluctantly took a step back from her, trying to calm down some. "Wanna leave here?" The words were out of his mouth before he had time to think. He wasn't done yet. He needed another taste of her sweet mouth.

"Yes." Her eyes were dilated with her desire too and she grabbed her notebook and then followed him out of the library and into the cool night air.

"Where to?" He asked once they were outside. He still needed to reject her, too.

She shrugged. "Your dorm?"

He looked at her in surprise. She wanted to be alone with him? But then she didn't know he was about to reject her. For Persephone. He shuddered. "Okay." For the pack.

The Alpha's Fated Mate (Book 4 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now