Chapter 28

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Finn breathed a small sigh of relief as he stepped off of his father's plane. His mind had ran in overdrive during the flight, wondering if his father had bugged the plane or was watching him through a camera. He wouldn't put anything past the man, especially now.

He'd wanted to call Emily, but had decided to just text her instead. She knew he would be landing soon and he intended to see her today. He'd also shot off a quick text to Liam but hadn't heard back from him yet. He wondered if Liam was aware that his father had him kicked out of school.

Finn left the plane and headed over to the SUV that was waiting for him.

"Welcome back Alpha Anderson," the driver greeted him cheerily.

"Thanks Jeeves," Finn joked as the old wolf opened the back of the vehicle.

The man turned and raised his eyebrows at him. "How did you know my name, sir?"

Finn looked back at him, his own eyes wide. "Seriously?"

The man cracked a smile. "No it's actually Alfred." He shut the back of the vehicle, then climbed into the driver's seat.

"Seriously?" Finn repeated when he was seated inside.


Finn snorted. "Well if that don't beat all."

"The other Alpha Anderson is not joining you today?"

"I'm afraid not." The conversation died down after that and Finn glanced at his phone. He had asked Emily to meet him at his dorm. She had never been there before mostly because he'd wanted to keep her somewhat of a secret from his brother. Or at least the fact that she was his mate.

Though looking back at the entire situation, Finn wondered why he had even bothered. Liam was much more loyal to him than to their father and he always had been. He wouldn't divulge something like that. He might have lectured Finn, but he wouldn't have told their father.

He'd never fully appreciated Liam and the crap he'd put up with from Finn over the years. Liam had never really complained; he'd just taken it all in stride. He had always been there too, and now that he wasn't, Finn felt a loneliness he had experienced before. He'd thought it was because he missed Emily, but now he realized he missed his brother too.

The SUV pulled up in front of his building and Finn opened the door. "Thanks Alfred. Appreciate it," he said before getting out.

He walked inside and quickly boarded the elevator. The anticipation of seeing Emily again made him smile. He'd missed her so much. The moment the door opened on the fourth floor, he was hit with Emily's scent. He breathed it in deeply, reveling in the things it did to him. His body was instantly aware of her even though he had yet to lay eyes on her.

She turned as he walked off the elevator and hurried down the hall, hurling herself into his arms. Finn scooped her up and kissed her hard, enjoying the explosion of tingles from the moment their lips touch.

"I missed you," Emily cried between kisses, squeezing him tightly to her.

"I missed you too," Finn told her, hardly able to end the kisses. Emily had her legs wrapped around his waist and she felt so good pressed against him.

Finn managed to unlock the dorm door and pushed it open, then dropped his bag on the ground, Emily still in his arms as they continued to greet each other. He'd missed her desperately. He was still amazed at how much the mate bond affected him.

Finally, he set her down, reminding himself that they had all evening to get reacquainted. He wanted to spend every moment he could with her.

"Where's Liam?" Emily suddenly asked him, noticing that his brother was missing.

Finn sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. He wasn't one hundred percent sure himself, though he'd been so preoccupied with everything, he hadn't really thought about it. With Astrid for sure, but he didn't know if they had came back here or gone to Regal Eclipse, which, he realized, was in the next state over.

"What happened?" Emily asked with concern.

"My father and brother had a falling out. Pretty big one. Liam left and went home with Astrid," Finn said quietly, rubbing at his face as he felt concern for his brother grow. He wished Liam would at least text him.

Emily laid a hand on his chest. "I'm so sorry."

Finn closed his eyes and nodded. "I'm just glad to be back." Being at home had been stressful and he was glad to be back in school. He envied Liam his freedom. He reached up and placed a hand over Emily's, pulling it up to his lips and kissing it.

"Oh the groceries!" Emily suddenly exclaimed. She walked over to the door and opened it, then grabbed a few bags that she'd left sitting in the hallway.

"You brought groceries?" Finn asked her, taking them from her and putting them in the kitchen.

"Yes. I'm making you dinner," She told him.

"Really?" Finn asked. He had no clue she could cook. He watched her begin to pull things out and for a moment, he visualized her pregnant with his pup and felt his heart warm.

"Yes, I am. That's why I asked if you had a kitchen in your dorm." She smiled at him.

Finn helped her unpack the groceries and then let her boss him around in the kitchen. He enjoyed every single second of it. This was home for him, being with her, doing everyday things. He realized he was perfectly content. But there was one big problem. Something that had to be addressed sooner rather than later. His father was forcing his hand and he needed to know if she could accept him for who he truly was.

The meal was absolutely delicious and Finn sat back when he was done and watched Emily finish eating. He knew he needed to get it over with as quickly as possible. He was dreading it, afraid that she would say no, she did not want to be with him. There really was no point in continuing their relationship if she couldn't handle the truth about him.

She suddenly looked up and frowned. "What's wrong?"

His eyebrows lifted, surprised that she could pick up on his mood change so quickly. "I need to tell you something. Something that could potentially change the way you feel about me. But I think it's important for you to know, and sooner rather than later."

Emily sat back in her seat and he could hear her heart rate accelerate briefly. "Okay," she said cautiously

Finn took a deep breath, his nerves getting the better of him. He really hadn't put a lot of thought into what he was going to say to her, but then his mind had been all over the place since Liam had been kicked out of the family. "I, um I.." He took a deep breath as he looked at her. He knew in the next moment she might come to despise him.

Emily suddenly stood and walked around the table. She sat down in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, surprising him.

He drew comfort from her, as she looked up at him. He adored the smattering of freckles across her cheeks. "Em, I'm not sure if you will want to be on my lap when I tell you this."

"I'm not moving, Finn." She stared deep into his eyes, and he almost felt like she was telling him she accepted him for who he was. Wishful thinking.

He sighed. "Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you." He wrapped his own arms around her and kissed her slowly, taking his time to explore her mouth, knowing this very well might be the last time he ever got the chance.

"Is that what you wanted to tell me?" She asked when the kiss ended. Her lips were a bit swollen now, and she looked lovely like that.

He gave her a half smile. "No."

'Do you need me to tell her?' Jett asked him.

'Cuz that wouldn't freak her out at all,' Finn responded.

'Then spit it out already,' Jett said.

"Emily, I'm a werewolf."

The Alpha's Fated Mate (Book 4 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now