Chapter 31

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Liam walked next to Astrid to her class the next morning. He was prepared for the worst but hoping for the best. He felt her grip his hand and smile at him as he felt himself relax. He smiled back at her.

He'd gone back to her last night and filled her in on everything he'd discussed with Finn and Emily.

"I think it's good she knows. She'll be aware of her own safety as well. I would hope Persephone wouldn't be stupid enough to go after Emily but she wouldn't be the first woman to do something dumb out of jealousy and anger. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," Astrid mused as she'd sat on her ugly couch sipping tea.

Liam had found out that Astrid had tea almost every evening.

"I lived in England too long," she'd told him.

He'd never been a tea drinker, preferring coffee himself. He'd wrapped an arm around her, watching her sip the fragrant cup. It did smell good. "Are you worried about yourself at all?"

"No. She can attack me. I really don't care. I'm not usually one to fight, but I am well trained, and I can make her regret coming after me," Astrid said calmly. "I can hold my own against Noelle."

"Watching you fight would be a turn on," Liam muttered quietly, visualizing her sparring. Naked. He smiled to himself.

She looked at him and grinned. "Yeah?"

He smiled. "Yeah. I wouldn't mind wrestling with you."

She giggled then. "Naked?"

He smirked at her. "Of course."

She lifted her delicate eyebrows. "That could be very interesting."

Being mated to her was amazing, and he was so glad he had chosen to be with her and not Persephone. Now the question was, would anyone notice the changes? And was Sierra Nevada Pack aware that he was no longer on the table?

He followed her into the classroom and took his seat, noticing Noelle who was busy reading a book. He wondered if it had come from Astrid's extensive library. Hey Caroline.

She looked up with a frown and saw his smile. You joined my pack?


She smiled at him. Welcome to Regal Eclipse, Liam. I see that mark. I'm happy for you and Astrid. When's the mating ceremony?

Over our break.

Oh good. I'll definitely be coming to that.

Finn walked in and sat down on the other side of Caroline. "Sup."

"Morning Finn," Caroline smiled at him.

He flashed her a smile back and nodded to Liam.

Liam nodded back, a little sad when he realized he could no longer link his own twin. He'd never not been able to.

Blake entered the room and sat down at his desk, not paying the least bit of attention to anyone else, and Liam felt the tension leave his body. He knew the confrontation was probably coming at some point though. He glanced up at Astrid and she gave him a small smile.

Once everyone was seated, Astrid began teaching. Liam watched her move gracefully around the room. She had on a gorgeous blue dress today that showed off her legs and he could visualize them wrapped around his waist as he took her right here in the classroom on top of her desk..


His eyes snapped up to Astrid, though she hadn't seemed to stop talking. He smirked at her, and she stared at him for a long moment before looking away.

Finally class ended and Blake was the first one out the door. Liam kept his seat, waiting for the room to empty.

Finn stood. "You up for lunch?"

Liam glanced at Astrid, who was heading towards them. She smiled and nodded.

"Sure. Sounds good," Liam agreed.

"The diner?" Astrid asked.

Finn smirked. "Where else?"

Caroline suddenly stepped back into the classroom. "Astrid? Can I talk to you?"

"Sure. Give me a moment," she said to Liam and Finn, then walked over to speak to Caroline.

"Well Blake doesn't seem to know yet," Liam said quietly.

"He seemed awfully distracted today, which you would have noticed if you hadn't been staring at Astrid the entire time like you wanted to bend her over her desk," Finn snickered.

Liam frowned at him.

"Well, tell me that hasn't crossed your mind," Finn smirked.

Liam flipped him off.

Liam, do you mind if Noelle comes with us to lunch? Astrid suddenly linked him.

Of course not. "Caroline is coming to lunch with us." Liam could see Finn's restlessness to get back to Emily.  

Finn nodded, glancing at his phone, then looked back up at Liam.  "I'm worried about her safety."

Liam couldn't image how Finn felt.  Astrid was immortal, and more powerful than most werewolves out there.  Emily was a fragile human. Astrid was right. While it was illegal to harm humans, who knew what could happen if someone was angry enough.  "We need to keep her off the radar for as long as possible."

"Who?" Astrid walked up to them, followed by Caroline.  

Finn frowned at Caroline, then glanced at Liam, raising an eyebrow.

Finn doesn't know who Caroline is and isn't sure if he can trust her, Liam linked Astrid.

Astrid looked at Caroline.  We probably need to add Finn to our circle of trust.  

Not here, Caroline said. 

"We need to stop at my dorm before we go to the diner," Astrid said.  

"How about I meet you all there,"  Finn suggested. He'd been aware that Liam and Astrid had been mind linking, but had they mind linked Caroline too? He looked at the little she-wolf. Was she in Regal Eclipse too? Jett snickered in his mind, annoying him. He hated when his wolf kept secrets.

Astrid turned to him, and touched his arm. "It's important that you come."

He studied her for a moment, then nodded.  "Alright."

The Alpha's Fated Mate (Book 4 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now