Chapter 33

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Persephone carefully applied her mascara and glanced at her friend Valerie, who was watching her.

"I'm so happy you got your mating ceremony moved up. Do you have your dress?" Valerie asked. She was so jealous that Persephone was mating twin Alphas. She'd seen pictures of the twins and they were incredibly hot. She wouldn't mind having the both of them in her bed every night.

"Of course. I got it right before I left for school," Persephone said. "I planned to get the ceremony moved up. Liam won't sleep with me until after it takes place, and I am tired of waiting for him." She'd been after him for three years now and he wouldn't give in.

"What about Finn?" Valerie asked.

"Finn is a pain. I know he's a player. I've slept with him already. Liam is the one I want because I think he's a virgin. He's the one who will be faithful to me," Persephone said, annoyed. After she'd slept with him the first time, it was all she thought about for weeks. She'd wanted back in his bed, but the next time she'd seen him, he'd refused her.

"You think Finn will cheat on you?" Valerie asked in surprise.

"Most likely. But I'll make him pay for it." She smiled to herself. It annoyed her to no end when Finn said he wouldn't sleep with her again because he didn't sleep with the same girl twice. She wasn't just any girl, and if Finn thought he could do whatever he wanted, then she would make his life miserable. "They both have to complete the mating bond with me after the ceremony. I intend to have them both at the same time."

"We have to get to class," Valerie said, looking at her watch. She stood.

Persephone glance down when her phone rang and frowned. "Go ahead, I've gotta take this call." Valerie left the room, and Persephone answered her phone. "Hello Daddy."

"Hello Darling, how are you this morning?" Alpha Adrian asked.

"I'm good, Daddy. About to go to class," She smiled.

"I have some bad news for you," he said slowly.

"Tell me." She frowned. She didn't like his tone.

"Alpha Cassius just called. Liam found his mate and he refuses to mate you."

"What?" she screeched into the phone. "He can't do that."

"I'm afraid he has, and Cassius kicked him out of the pack," Adrian informed her.

Persephone was quiet for a moment, thinking that all through. Liam was a rogue now. But if she was Luna, she was sure she could convince Finn to bring his brother back into the pack. Finn would have a soft spot for Liam, given that they were twins. The only problem was Liam's mate, whoever that might be. "Does Blake know?"

"No, I haven't informed him yet. This involves you more than him, but I've half a mind to call off the entire thing given that they're not holding up their end of the deal," Adrian growled. "Cassius told me that both Liam and Finn would reject their fated mates if they found them before they both mated you. He guaranteed it. We made this deal twenty years ago."

"Did he say who Liam's mate is?" Persephone was already thinking about getting rid of the girl. Whoever she might be. Poor thing, she smirked to herself. She had no idea who's mate she was messing with.

"No, but more than likely she goes to school with you, because this has happened recently," Adrian mused.

Persephone frowned. Someone here was trying to steal her mate. She was going to find the girl and kick her ass. "Don't tell Blake yet. He doesn't need to know. He has class with them, and I don't want him to approach them."

"What are you going to do?" Adrian asked her.

"Some investigating. I want to find out who she is, and get my mate back." No one was stealing Liam from her. No one. "Has he marked her yet?"

"Cassius said he hadn't when he kicked him out. That was Saturday," Adrian said.

And today was Tuesday. Hopefully he still hadn't marked her, not that it was a problem if he had. If his mate was dead, the mark would disappear and she could replace it with her own. Easy peasy.

"You need to be careful, my love," Adrian said quietly. "Especially if she's an Alpha's daughter."

"I will. Daddy will you fly Brandon in to Ohio for me?" Brandon was her actual fated mate, and one of her father's warriors. She'd found him two years ago, and had no intention of giving him up. He would come to Redwood Pack with her, and be her own personal guard. Besides Finn, Brandon was the only man she'd ever slept with.

"I will, but you need to be very careful that Finn and Liam remain unaware of him for now," Adrian replied.

"I will. Don't worry about that." Her father hadn't been happy when she'd told him she'd found her fated mate, but she had convinced him she needed Brandon for her own sanity. She still wanted Liam and Finn, but she had no intentions of giving up Brandon. She'd convince them to allow her to have Brandon as well. All three men would be at her beck and call. She'd bed them whenever she pleased. She'd had the details of that worked out long ago.

She would have one room for both Liam and Finn with one bed. She'd demand that they both always have sex with her at the same time. It would keep Finn more faithful to her as Liam would grow annoyed if his brother was constantly bedding other women and not her. Finn would have no choice but to remain faithful to her. She knew once Liam had a taste of her, he'd want more and he'd be furious with his brother if she refused him because Finn was in bed with someone else. Though the more she thought about it, driving a rift between the two of them might not be a bad idea. It might make them more loyal to her and not each other. She smirked.

She would also have a separate room for Brandon, where she would enjoy him alone. Once the twins had marked her and she had informed them that she was taking Brandon as her mate as well, then she would let him mark her too. She'd basically have her own harem. She smiled to herself, excited at the prospect of having three gorgeous men to satisfy her needs every night. And if she played her cards right, she would get pregnant first with Brandon's pup and he would be the heir to Redwood Pack. Liam and Finn's ancestors would roll over in their graves. It would be the perfect revenge for all of the fueding that had gone on in the past.

"He'll be on a plane here shortly, Darling," Her father said. "Now you better get to class. Keep me updated when you find out anything."

"I will. Bye Daddy," Persephone said sweetly into the phone.

"Good bye Princess."

The call was disconnected, and she slammed her phone down in annoyance. The audacity of Liam to not reject his fated mate. Liam belonged to her, not some low ranked she-wolf. And Persephone would take back her mate.

The Alpha's Fated Mate (Book 4 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ