Chapter 50

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The door of the office opened, and Ragnar and Liam helped Finn inside. They got him over to the couch. Sweat was pouring off of Finn's forehead.

Daniel looked him over with concern, then looked at Ragnar.

He needs the silver out of his system or it will kill him. That combined with the other drugs they gave him are really messing him up.

Daniel frowned and pulled out his phone, then texted his pack doctor. Do you have a way to remove silver that's been injected into someone's blood stream?
He looked back at Persephone. "I think you know your crimes. But the biggest ones are kidnapping a human, marking someone against their will, and trying to harm the Alpha King."

Persephone felt the tears coming, and wondered if they would bring any sympathy. Her mind scrambled as she tried to think of a way to get out of this mess with her life. "I will tell you where Emily is if you let me live."

"There's no way you're escaping this with your life. You sealed your fate when you marked someone against their will." Daniel crossed his arms over his chest and stared at her. "The only way to remove that mark is with your death."

"Then I won't tell you," she said. She had never been so scared in her life as she was now.

Daniel laughed. "Noelle?"

His daughter stepped forward and stood in front of Persephone. "Tell me where Emily is. NOW."

Persephone cowered under Noelle's command. She tried to fight it but it was useless, and she had no choice but to comply, her wolf forcing her into submission. "She's at Stephan's house."

"What?" Brandon suddenly spoke up in shock

The whole room looked from her to him.

"How could you leave her with him of all people?" Brandon asked her incredulously.

Persephone shrugged, non-chalantly. "I don't care what happens to her. She stole Finn from me."

"I don't even know you," Brandon said in disgust. "You didn't use to be like this." He turned to the Beta. "I'll take you to Emily."

Ragnar nodded and glanced over to Finn, who looked at Liam. "Please go get my mate."

Liam nodded and stood. "I'll make sure she's safe."

"Noelle, go with them just in case," Daniel said softly to her, as he stared intently at her.

She nodded, catching his meaning and followed Ragnar and Liam out the door.

Daniel glanced at his phone, and breathed a small sigh of relief when he say the response from Dr. Ben. He walked over to the couch where he was sitting, his head back, his eyes closed. "We're going to get you some help, Finn."

Finn opened his eyes and looked at the king. "Alpha. Sorry I can't stand."

"Don't worry about it. We're going to get this wrapped up and get you the care you need." He patted Finn's leg, then stood and walked back over to Persephone. "You do realize he'd be dead soon if we hadn't shown up."

Perspehone just looked at Finn and didn't respond. She really hadn't planned to kill him, but if that's what happened, then that's what happened. She really didn't care.


Brandon was moving quickly, headed towards Stephan's home. He still couldn't believe Persephone had given the human over to him. When had she become so cruel?

He hadn't minded administering the silver to Finn because he hated Redwood, and he hated that he had to share his mate with the twins. He didn't like Finn and how much he obviously didn't care that Persephone had fallen for him when she'd first had sex with him. He'd hurt her, and that annoyed Brandon. He'd inject him with silver again if Persephone wanted him to.

The Alpha's Fated Mate (Book 4 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن