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Its been 6 hours since I trashed the room. And I still don't feel better. I hear a timid knock on the door. I stand up and open it making sure no one can see in.

"Are you Charlotte Winchester?" She asks.

"Yes, I am." I say confused.

"He told me to give you the paper. It has the address where the show down would be." she says handing me the paper stepping back.

"Thank you." and I slam the door in her face.

I open the folded paper. I smile and run out to my motorcycle.

-1 hour later-

I lean up against a support beam inspecting my blade. Then I hear a splash of water. I look up to see my brother walking towards me with an angel blade in hand. He stops and looks at me, while I stand straight up and look at him.

"Been awhile hasn't Bobby." I smile moving hair off of my shoulder. I look at him and see he has gained muscle and is a little pale. "You have changed." I whisper walking in a circle around him.

"I cant say you haven't either." He says.

I look up into his green eyes and see myself. I turn my head away. I cant kill him he is my brother. But a voice speaks in my head 'KILL HIM!'. And for some reason it rules everything else out.

"Please forgive me on what Im about to do." I whisper attacking him. I punch him in the face a couple times before he comes to his senses. He throws me off causing me to drop the blade. I look up at him as he stabs me with the Angel blade.

I gasp. Then I start to laugh and pull it out of my stomach. "Dearest Brother, did you really think that you could kill me with that?"

"No, but I knew it would slow you down." he says while attacking me.

We both fall to the ground as he punches my face. I knee him in the groin and sit on top of him. I grab my blade and cut his cheek.

"Here I thought I was gonna lose. But then I remembered I have the mark. And if you did kill me, I would just keep coming back. The angels knew that so they didn't train you at all. But here I train like I was going into a marathon." I laugh. He try's to get out of my grip so I grab his arm and dislocated his shoulder. He grunts and doesn't move. I cut his other cheek and watch him scrim. "I will give you a fair shot at trying to kill me." I say handing him the angel blade. "So kill me." I say moving away from him.

He stands up and whips his bloody noose. "I dont want to kill you Charlie." he whispers. "Remember when we were 7? How I fell and you cleaned my knee and put a band aid on it. When we were 16 and I was going on my first date." he pauses and looks at me. "This isn't you Charlie, its the mark that is controlling you."

"Its my choice on if I want to kill you." I say walking up to him. "I can walk away now and go into hiding." I walk around him. "But I wont." I whisper in his ear.

I stand in front of him. He looks at me with a steady look. I place my hand on his shoulder and ready my blade in the other. "I am sorry my brother." And I stab him in the gut. His mouth makes and 'o' shape and he fall to the ground. A white light shoots out of his eyes and a strong wind encircled us pushing out.

The white light stops as soon as it started. I take my blade out of his stomach and clean it.

With a smile I walk out of the warehouse as the new Queen of Hell.

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