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I gasp awake. I wipe my forehead that is plastered with sweat. I sit up and throw my feet over the edge. I look down at my arm were my birth mark is. It looks like a knife.

I stand up and go to the bathroom. Once im done I grab my bag and and walk out to my 99 corvette. I turn on the radio and my favorite song Every Rose has its Thorns comes on. I sing along with the lyrics as I turn onto the inter sate. I look besides me and see a strange man sitting next to me. I grab the sword dad gave me when I left. He told me if anyone comes after me to use this.

"You cant kill me, I am in your head." He says picking at his nail.

I take a deep breath and shack head. I look back over to the seat and he is gone. I turn up the radio and speed up the car.

-14 hours later-

I drive down this old country road that I had driven many times before. I find the little path that goes to my childhood home. He built it when I was 6. I remember asking him why here? Why cant we live in a house in town like we have all my life. He responded by picking me up and taking me into the over grown grass. "We have all good memories but we also have bad. I like to relive my good memories to the fullest. One day you will understand." He then put me down and told me to go play with brother and sister.

I smile and get out of my car. I grab my backpack and walk up to the door. The door is open so I walk in when I hear Mary talking to my dad putting a record on.

"Dad common you have to dance with me. Its your favorite song." She says swaying her small frame. She was always the most elegant member of our family.

I watch her pull dad up and force him to dance. I smile and start to laugh. She sees me and runs up to me with a big hug.

"I missed you some much." she says into my shoulder.

I smile and smell her hair. "I missed you to." I whisper ever so slightly.

"Can I get in the action?" Dad asks.

I laugh and run up to him with a hug. "Love you Daddy."

"Love you too." he says hugging me patting my hair down.

I pull away from him and look at him and Mary. "Wheres Robby?"

"He is currently on a plane right now. He should be getting here soo-" she is cut off by Robby bursting in the door.

I run up to him and give him a hug. "Hey little bro." I smile fixing his hair and army uniform.

"Hey big Sis." he smiles and goes to hug Mary and Dad. "What time is it?" He then asks.

Dad looks at him watch. "9:30 pm, time get to bed." he says treating us like kids.

"Fine!" we all groan as we walk to our rooms.

I get in my pjs and put my hair up. Just as I am done Mary comes in.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asks as i get into bed.

"Yeah come in." i say moving to the edge of the twin bed.

She lays down on her side and looks at me. She looks like mom from the pictures we have of her. Bright hazel eyes and dark brown hair.

She smiles. "So I have a boyfriend." she says.

"Oh yeah whats his name? His age? Tell me about him." i say moving towards her.

"Well his name is Andrew and he is 21. He is in the military and is charming." she says with a sigh.

"There is something else you aren't telling me." I accuse her.

"He asked me to marry him." she whispered.

"What did you say?" I ask.

"I told him I will have to think about it. Im still young." she says.

"I better meet the fellow, and soon." i say laughing as she yawns.

"You.... Will...." And her eyes slowly drift off.

I soon fall asleep with her.

Carry On My Wayward SonWhere stories live. Discover now