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He comes up to me and places his hands on my arms. A month ago I might've pushed him away but now I let him touch my skin. He looks into my eyes with his brilliant blue eyes that reminds me of the ocean. I look at his lips. The color of a rose ready to bloom. I bring my hands up to jawline and trace the sharp edge of his jaw. I move my hand to his heavily tattooed arm. Tracing the tattoos he has.

"Charlotte Im out."

-End of Dream-

I gasp awake. I look at my arm with my birthmark. It is red hot. I try to breath but it feels like I am drowning.

"Help!" I scream as loud as I can. I cant move. My body screams in pain. I scream on top of my lungs. "Help!"

I feel my heart beating a million miles a minute. Then I hear a flap of wings. I look next to me and see Uncle Cas looking at me.

"Sh, its going to be okay." he says tapping my forehead.

-12 hours later-

I slowly wake up to a shuffle and some mumbling. I keep my eyes closed and listen.

"Where did Robert go?" Dad asks.

"They brought him to heaven to train him." Uncle Cas says.

"How is she doing?" Dad asks placing a hand over mine. He moves his hand up to my birthmark. "Is the Mark gonna be like the last time with me?"

"Im afraid worse Dean, she will have to go with Lucifer." he says.

"How are they out? Wait have you seem Mary?" Dad asks. I then hear another flap of wings.

"How is my baby girl? Im so sorry I didn't come down sooner but with Michael coming home I was distracted." a female voice says.

"Amelia?" Dad asks leaving my hand.

I open my eye ever so slightly to see a women standing tall as she could in the corner. She has long dark brown hair that goes to the middle of her back and bright hazel eyes that you can look at for hours and not get bored.

She looks at him with a painful expression. She moves her head away and bites her lip. Her eyes have tears in them. She takes a deep breath and blink her eyes. She then looks at him in the eye like a strong person she wasn't showing a couple seconds ago.

"Dean." she says walking over to me.

"How is she?" She asks as she lightly touches my birthmark.

"She will be okay if she never got the Mark of Cain. Its all my fucking fault" Dad yells running his hands in his hair.

"No Dean it is not, I was the one who made the first move. Im the one that conceived her and her brother. If its anybody's fault its mine." she snaps at him.

I open my eyes and look at everyone. Dad sees that I am awake. He runs up to me and gives me a hug pushing Amelia out of the way. I look down at my arm and see it is wrapped up.

"What is this?" I ask the people of the room.

"Its called The Mark of Cain." Uncle Cas says moving towards my mom.

"As in Cain and Able from the bible?" I question.

"Yes you see Lucifer was going to make Able his toy. So Cain took this mark and made a deal with the devil. Millennia's later your father takes it from cain to kill the last knight of hell not knowing the side effects. So when you mother had you, you inherited the mark." He says.

"The side effects?" I ask.

They all look at each other then my dad speaks up. "Destruction."

"Why me?" I ask trying to not act shocked.

"You were born to be Hell." My mother says.

"What about Robert?" I ask.

"He is Heaven. Uncle Cas was the one that brought your mom and me out of Hell. We both bare marks of heaven. Well I don't anymore but still." Dad says.

"And Mary?" I ask.

Everyone looks at each other when my mother comes up to me and places her hand on mine. "She was the key to lucifer getting out of hell." she whispers.

"How?" I whisper back on the verge of tears already knowing how.

"With her blood." Mother says back letting tears fall down her cheeks.

I curl on my side in a ball. I face the wall and tune everything out.

I have failed Mary.
I have failed Robert.
I have failed Dad.
But most importantly I have failed myself.

Carry On My Wayward SonWhere stories live. Discover now