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I slowly wake up to Dean looking at me and Sammy walking into a log cabin.

I sit up and rub my eyes. "If you wanted me dead you could have done it behind the hotel. Great dumpster back there." I say with a 'click' noise.

He laughs and picks me up bridal style. "You know for someone so tiny you are so heavy."

"Wow, calling a girl fat. Let me guess, next you will comment on how my hair looks or my clothes." I laugh as he opens the door to the cabin.

He laughs along with me "I just might." and sets me down.

"Where are we anyway?" i say looking around the room. In the far corner there is a kitchen and in the front there is a table.

On the other side of the room i am on is a livings room/ office.

"The new head quarters. The leviathan burned down Bobby's." Sam say putting food in the small pea green refrigerator.

"Did you guys find out how to kill them?" I ask.

"Yes, been dead for about a year." Dean says writing in a journal.

I walk over to him and see he is writing on how they found me by tracking the high demon killings and by the King of Hell. I slap him upside the head.

"Ow!" He complains rubbing his head.

"You are working with the thing that took Bobby's soul!" I say as the phone starts to ring.

"Can this wait?" He says looking at his phone with the Id saying "Crowley".

I grab the phone before he could.

"Hello squirrel, I how to kill those things." Crowley says in a thick Scottish accent.

I laugh. "Well isnt it the real Crowely, you know i have been killing your men left and right. But they are so damn loyal to you they wont give up your location." i smile into the phone.

"Well here i am, what did you need me for?" He says on the other side of the room.

"To give Bobby's soul back." i say bringing out my angel blade.

He smiles "You cant kill me, and I will not give you his soul back."

"Well you cant kill me, Arch Angels are watching me." i say walking over to him. "You see I am very special to heaven, to a degree that I dont even understand. So if you were to even touch a tiny hair on my body you would be smoked." and before he says anything. "Also you are in a devils trap. So no getting out." I smile sweetly.

"You filthy-"

"Hey lets talk this out, Crowley this is Amelia and I'm guessing you know who he is." dean says I erupting the demon.

"Wait you work with that." i point at Crowley who is picking at a hang nail.

Grabs both of my hand in his "Its not what it looks like Amee."

I stare into his eyes. "You have gone off the deep end Dean, I don't even know who you are. Your own father would be disappointed in you." I say roughly grabbing my bag heading to the door.

"Amee you don't believe that do you?" He asks with the saddest face.

"I do and please get out of my way before i give you a black eye." I say opening the door.

"Where are you going?" He yells at me.

"None of your concern!" I yell back.

I walk for about an hour when I see a hotel. I get a room. I take a shower and get into a big tshirt and shorts and slowly drift off to sleep.

Carry On My Wayward SonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora