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- one month later-

A week after me and Dean talk about getting an apartment, we got one. We went to a salvation army and got a bed table and couch. We moved into a small studio that looks like it belongs in the big city not a small town in kanas.

So a month later I sit on this stupid old toilet. I look at the small plastic strip in my hands. It reads a little positive sign on it. I take a deep breath.

"Babe Im home!" Dean yells waking in our studio.

I place the test on the vanity and walk out to great him. That instant I knew something was wrong. He stood different his flannel arms were down instead of rolled up.

"Theres something different about you Dean." I say going into the kitchen to start making dinner.

"No 'hey honey, happy you are home. Glad you weren't killed by some monster thing.'" he jokes hugging me from behind.

"Nothing can kill you but me." i say smiling, and cutting some veggies.

"Very true." he says moving and taking off his flannel. He moves his arm just enough so I can see a mark on his inner arm.

I stop and grab his arm. He tries to pull away but gives up when I look into his eyes. "What. Is. This." I say in a dead tone that can kill a dog.

"Nothing Amee-"

"Nothing my ass, Tell me what this thing is!?" I yell at him.

"That Mark of Cain." he whisper. I slap him upside the head. "Ow what was that for?"

"Thats for how stupid you are." I turning back to dinner.

He walks off to the bathroom. I hear him gasp and come running out to me.

"What is this?" He asks pushing the pregnancy test to me.

"A pregnancy test obviously." I try to laugh it off putting the chicken in the stove.

"But it says positive, why didn't you tell me?" He asks with a smile on his face.

"Cause I knew you didn't want a family and I sure as hell didn't want one. So maybe if I tried to forget about it maybe it isn't real." I say grabing the dishes out of the cuber.

He pulls me around so that I am facing him. "You don't even know how happy I am." and then he kneels down and kisses my stomach. "Daddy's here, here to protect you from every harm." he whispers.

I look down at him with a smile. I bring his lips to mine and kiss him. With that one kiss I forget that my child will be heaven or Hell. All I know is that I am safe n sound with the person I love.

"We should tell Sammy, he his gonna be so excited to be an uncle." I laugh.

"Okay, um the chicken is burning." Dean says walking out of the kitchen.

"Thanks for the help." I yell at him, causing him to laugh.

The chicken is to burnt to even use, so I just call the local pizza place and order a large pizza.

"Hey I called Sam, he is on his way over. Did you happen to order pie?" He asks.

"There is some in the freezer, oh you should call Cas down. After all he will be an uncle too."

"That would be a great idea." he says bringing out his phone.

-twenty minutes later-

The boy talk loudly drinking beer when the pizza comes. We eat and sit down on the couch to watch tv. When we find out its a TV series Supernatural.

"Are you fucking serious they had to turn it into a tv show." Dean says turning it off.

Cas laughs as Sam speaks. "So why'd you call us here? Something is big that you call both of us."

"Well its big news that we weren't expecting so soon." I say leaning against Dean.

"But are happy to hear." Dean smiles. Only if he knew what I know.

"Spit out." Sam says.

"Im pregnant." I say with a smile. Just as I say that Sam stands up and gives me a huge hug. Cas pats Dean on the shoulder.

Cas comes over to me. "Im sorry it had to happen this way. You will be happy when it comes." He smiles.

"I sure hope." i spit walking into my bedroom.

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