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I walk into the house and saw he wasn't home. So I go find the demons that stay here.

"Hey guys can you bring my bed down to the beach?" I ask with a smile.

"Why on earth would we do that?" The one female says in a high pitch voice.

"Because I asked you, and lucifer gave me the green light to kill you if you don't do what asked." I smile sweetly.

They all groan and get up. I go to the bathroom and change in shorts and a t-shirt. When I am done the bed is out there. So I walk down the smooth sand and go into my bed. I lay on my back and look at all the stars. I smile and each one twinkle.

A couple minutes later I hear a flap of wings and see him laying down next to me watching the sky.

"Its amazing how each one is different, one shines brighter than the other or one is bigger than the other. Sometimes when I miss home I look up at the stars. They remind me of my family." he says in a gentle tone.

"Never knew the devil could express sadness let alone talk about it." I whisper.

"I was an angel once Charlotte. Now that I had fallen i came to the human emotions." He says. Then adds "How do you humans coop with all these emotions? I mean there is love to hatred, Anger to happiness. Its all so confusing."

"Us humans are born with the gift to love emotions. See I like rain, It makes me happy especially during the summer. Sometimes when I was still living at home and it started to rain me and my younger siblings would run in it to cool off." I whisper remembering all of the memories.

"Can you explain the emotion of love?" He ask turning on his side.

"Now do we have a curious devil on our hands?" I laugh turning on my side facing him.

He laughs with me. "In all seriousness I would like to know." he says.

I smile. "There is many different forms of love. Some I probably don't even know of. There is one for family. A strong bond between any family. You can mess around with your siblings but when it comes to other people doing it you mess them up. Family is Family. But as my father always said 'Family don't end in blood.' Meaning the people closest to you is family. You share a special bond with them." I whisper.

"Is there more types of love?" He asks generally curious.

"Then there is love. The deep heart ache love. When you find that person you love you can almost see there soul. You will do anything for them, be anything for them. All you have to do is look into their eyes and you will know. Every touch will send a spark throughout your body wishing for and to never stop." I say looking at him. His eye are closed probably trying to picture it.

He keeps his eyes closed when he speaks. "It seems nice, don't you think? Have you ever been in love?" He asks.

I laugh under my breath. "No, but I seen or what I remember of it. My parents where so in love. When my mother moved he moved. It was like they were in sync. They were soul mates." I whisper, maybe they are together at peace.

"Don't you want to fall in love?" He asks opening his sharp blue eyes.

"No, to much heart break. I watched my dad suffer all his life when ma died. I don't think i have the guts he had to be that strong." I whisper yawning.

"Get some sleep." He says.

"Will you stay?" I ask.

But before I can hear what he says I fall into a deep sleep.

Carry On My Wayward SonWhere stories live. Discover now