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"There is an old warehouse in buffalo. Go to the hotel and wait for further instructions." he says handing me keys. "Use the motorcycle."

I grab the keys and walk down the stairs. The demons see me and get out of my way knowing that I most likely would kill them. I hop onto the motorcycle and put on the helmet. I revie the engine and speed off to the city in which i loved before everything went down hill.

-27 hours later-

I sit on an old bed that most likely has bed mites in a hotel that is so dirty it can pass off as abandoned. I stand with a huff and look out the window. An auto shop sits next door with cars coming and going. I move ever so slightly when I see an Impala drive up to the hotel I am at. I hold my breath and wait for the person to get out. I sigh when I see it is and elderly couple.
I sit back down on the bed and flip on the old box tv. I settle for the news. The weather guy says there is storms tonight and into tomorrow. I turn it off and look up at the ceiling. How long dose it take for one to give instructions? I want to get this show on the road.

I close my eyes. Thats when I hear a flap of wings. I open them to see my mother sitting in an old wooden chair in the corner. She gives me a sad smile while running her hands through dark brown hair. I sit up and grab my blade and stand away from here.

"What do you want?" I hiss through my teeth.

"First I didn't come here on behalf of the angels. I hate them too." she says standing. "Second Im not going to kill you so please put the blade down." she says in a calm tone.

I put the blade down and look into her hazel eyes. "Answer my question." I say to her.

"I just want to talk to you Charlie. Did you read the letter I wrote you?" She asks.

"Yes." I say moving to the window.

"There is still time to go against the evil." She says hurriedly.

"Mother, I already surrendered to it. There is no going back now." I whisper.

She moves closer to me and puts a small hand on my shoulder. "Just remember your family. What we would've wanted you to."

I close my eye and let a tear escape my eye. I look up and see she is gone. I move to the sink and splash water on my face. I look up and see black eyes. Am I really a monster that choose the darkness. I grip the edges of the sink and scream. Thats when I start to cry.

I cry for how my life has gone off the rails. I had a perfect family, life. And now in less than 24 hours I will have to kill my brother. I punch the mirror causing it to break. I go into the room and throw everything around in the room. For some reason it feels nice to break everything in my path. Once I cant take it anymore I fall on my bed.

What has my life become?

Carry On My Wayward SonWhere stories live. Discover now