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I get dressed for bed. I was in bed reading when I finally heard the door close and dean walking into our bedroom. I shut the book and look at him. He undresses to his boxers and gets under the blanket. I cuddle up to him, and stare into his eyes after he turned of the light.

After a minute he breaks the quiet. "You have been off lately, especially around Cas." He whispers.

"Angels aren't really my forte." I whisper back.

"Why? Well I can see all the other angels but Cas? He do nothing but help Sammy and I." He whispers.

"He's been deceiving you Dean, He has been working for Heaven along." I say.

"How do you know?" He asks.

"Cause i was in a dream and this Angel Rosemary told me something and Cas was there almost protecting her. Im not stupid Dean." I whisper.

"What did she tell you about?"

I look at him and think what should I say. Should I lie or should I tell him the truth on how our children would be born Heaven and Hell.

I decided to tell the Truth. "She said that we would have around two children. One will be born Heaven and the other-" I pause to take a breath. "-Hell."

"Why us?" He asks.

"She said because we both have promising bloodlines. You are the direct blood line to Cain and Able. I am the direct blood line to Jesus and he was to Moses." I whisper.

"Guess that would be very promising." he jokes as I swat him in the chest.

"Im going to sleep." I say giving him a peck and turning over.


I open my eyes to me sitting in a desk chair and Rosemary looking at papers on her desk.

"Hello Amelia, I heard the great news. Im happy for you and Dean." She smiles.

"Like you didn't plan this." I huff.

"Sorry it had to happen this way." she says.

"Yeah well I would like to sleep without you in my head." i say crossing my arms.

"Very well." she say with a flick of her wrist she is gone.

I stand in the dark. Then I blink and i am in my cell in hell. I scream on top of my lungs trying to get out. The door opens and two hideous demons grab me and pull down the dark hallway. When we get to the torture room they leave. Alister comes out of the shadows and brings me to the metal table and ties me down.

"I will give you the option work for me or another day of torture." he smiles.

"Id rather be dead than work for you." I spit at him trying to move.

"Very well, Dean come out with the cart." he says as dean comes out of the shadows.

"Dean?!" I gasp as he stops and looks at me.

"Hey Amee." he smiles the saddest of smiles.

"Take that knife and slice her." Alistair says.

"Dean! DEAN NO!!!!" I scream and thrash.

"AMEE!!! AMEE!!"

I open my eyes and i am back in my dark room with dean next to me. I sit up and take a deep breath. Just a nightmare, an old memory from along time ago. I stand up and walk to the kitchen. Dean follows me and watches as i grab a glass and fill it with water.

"You wanna talk about?" He asks.

"Just an old memory from happy o hell. Its just i haven't had one since 4 years ago." I whisper mainly to myself.

"What was this one?" He asks.

I look into his eye and remember how satisfied they looked when hurting me. "Nothing, I would rather keep it in." I say going back to bed.

Carry On My Wayward SonWhere stories live. Discover now