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I get to my home and run in. I look in all the rooms. When I enter his office I see him laying there with a bullet in his head. I kneel down next to him and hug him.

"Daddy, I need you. Don't leave me. Daddy." i say over and over again.

I cry for what seems for hours. When I cant cry anymore i just sit there numb as a statue. I get up and look at his journal. Maybe I can find anything on who might have killed him. Because i will find them and I will make them pay for what they have done.

I find nothing. But i found out how to put a "hunter" at rest. I go outside and start to build a fire pit. When its done i put a blanket around dad and bring him out to the fire pit.

"I love you Daddy, I will find who did this and I will make them pay." I say putting the pit on fire.

I stare at the flames as they go into the sky. There is a certain beauty to the red and orange color of fire. I look up to the sky and scream. I scream to the so called angels. If there was any they could have saved him.

Amelia's POV

I look at my daughter with desperate cries. I should have saved him, went against the rule book.

"She now will go down the path we have intended for her." Rosemary says.

"If you say so." I spit through my teeth.

She steps toward me and places her hands on my shoulders. "He will be fine, she will be fine." she says.

"If you mean that they both are going to become demons fine then thats good." I say sarcastically moving away from her.

"Think positive."

Charlotte POV

After about an hour my throat starts to hurt. I stand up and walk back into the house. I go into his office grab the pictures and his journal. I run out and grab my back pack out of the car and start walking. Maybe all I need is fresh air. So I keep waking in ways i have never gone before. I look down at my arm to what they call the mark of cain.

How bad could this little thing be?
Will it make me into a monster?

I shake my head and walk into a run down dinner. I sit down at a booth and order coffee. I open the journal and start to read.


You have been gone exactly 5 years today. Little Mary went to school for the first time. She came back with all smiles. The twins went into fourth today. Charlie did not want to go, she fought every second until we got there. As for Robert, he is to much like his Uncle. To smart for his own good.

I miss you Amee. I hope you know that. I don't know why you left but I know you didn't go just cause.

I love you.


I close the journal and look at the now rainy outside. I drink my coffee and stand up. I go to leave when the door is looked. I turn around and i am knocked out cold.

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