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I open my eyes and i am in a field. But this field is surrounded by woods with a small wooden cottage sits by a slow going river.

"Hello Amelia." a female voice says behind me.

I spin around and I am face to face with a woman. She looks to be 25 with blond hair and hazel eyes. She is average hight but stands tall like she is important to all.

"Who are you?" I stutter.

"I am an ArchAngel, my name is Rosemary but you may call me Rose." she smiles sweetly. She walks to a rose with her white gown flowing behind her like a cloud.

"Prove it." i whisper.

"Do you wish to have Castiel in this dream?" She asks.

"Yes I do." I stand straight and tall.

"Very well." and she snaps her fingers.

"Rosey I was in the mid-" and he notices me standing awkwardly.

"Hey Amee." and he turns to her "Dear why are we in her head?" Cas asks.

"We need to tell her why Luna ordered you to get her out of hell."

"Do you think its time?" He asks walking up to her placing his hands on her cheeks. She smiles and blushes placing her hands on his writs.

"Yes I am sure." she whispers kissing him lightly.

"How long have you guys been together?" I ask.

"From my home dimension its been 50 years, in your world its been 100. Now lets talk." she says snapping her fingers. We all appear in an office.

I sit down in one of the leather seats. Cas goes and stands in the corner being quiet. "So what is it that you need to talk about with me?"

"You know that you are something special and heaven needs you to help with a prophecy." she smiles and continues. "You see you are the direct blood line to Jesus and Dean is the direct blood line to Cain and Able."

"What has this to do with me?" I ask.

"You were brought out of hell along with Dean to have children, Heaven and Hell." she smiles.

I stand up so fast that i get dizzy. "And if I refuse?"

"Then we give you back to hell, so they can perfect their art." she says.

I start off to her when Cas holds me back. "Do you even know what pain is? The pain I felt those 240 years in the pit. You dont know pain like I do." i say in a dead tone.

She stands up and sits on her desk. She smiles brightly and speaks. "I was human too. I became a prophet at age 18. By that time all I ever loved were dead or close to dead. A demon killed my baby brother and father in a fire when I was 16. By age 17 my mother was put in a mental hospital. Two months later I almost was drained by a Vamp. I then turned into a hunter. You of all people should know what kind of life that is. Then by age 25 I was forced to kill Lucifer. Six months after that to leave my beautiful baby girl. I know pain Amelia, dont judge a book by its cover." she says.

I look at Cas and see him nodding his head. "And where dose he come into that story of yours?" I ask.

"Maybe for another time when he isn't here." She whispers. "So will you do it or not." she says getting back to business.

I look at my hands and feet. New and old calluses on my hands showing the hours i spent working on cars. I look up at Cas who nods. I look to Rose who smiles.

With a huff I give a one word answer.


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