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I slowly open my eyes to a face looking down at me.

I scream and jump up.

"Amelia calm down before you give yourself as bump on the head." a familiar voice says.

"Bobby? Is that you? Why are you in a wheelchair?"I say hugging him and crying.

"There there Amee, Its me do ya want a beer?"He laughs hugging me back.

"But you never gave me one cause I wasn't 21 yet. Im only 18." I say shocked.

"No dear you are 21 you were in the pit for 2 years kiddo." He says telling a tall guy with long hair to grab a beer for me.

"Two years, It can't be. Tell me all that have happened in the 2 years I was gone."I say as long hair gave me the beer and sitting down next to me.

"Well the boys let out lucifer and Dean went to hell what else Sammy?" Bobby says looking at long hair guy.

"Thats about it." He smiles.

I start to panic and cry.

"Something wrong?"Bobby says looking concerned.

"Is- Is um Dean here?" I ask.

"Yeah he is working on his car, Why you want to go talk to him?" Sam says.

"No, I want to get out of here i never want to see Dean after what he did to me in Hell." I say standing just as dean comes in the room.

"Well well looks who is up. We were starting to wonder if Cas killed you."He says mopping his forehead with a towel.

"YOU GET AWAY FROM ME YOU DEMON!!!!" i scream picking up a knife going after him. But sam catches me around my waist. I scream and kick saying horrible things about him.

"Sam take her upstairs to the one bedroom."Bobby says over my screaming and kicking.

Sam drags me up to a pal pink room with a small bed and tv.

"You know he has been beating himself up about what he did down in the pit. You don't have to make it worse for him."Sam says to me in a calm tone.

"He should feel bad for what he did to me. He was a monster. He had no right to come back to Earth. I hope he dies a brutal death." I whisper.

"You don't mean that."sam says.

"I do and i will give him that death when it comes down to it." I say angerly.

"Not if im still kickin you wont." he says bitterly closing the door behind him.

I stand up and look at the room. Mainly antiques and vintage stuff. I decided to look out the window. But wish i hadn't, because dean is working on his car. Im about to look away when i see him take his shirt off. He wipes his dirty face and keeps working. My mouth falls open when i hear a cough/laugh behind me.

"And I thought you hated him so much you were going to kill him with your bare hands. Please." Sam says setting down a beer and two sandwiches. "I wont tell him you were going gaga over him. But he will sooner later find out." He laughs walking out leaving to door open.

I look back out the window to find Dean looking at me. I smile and walk away from the window.

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