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I wake up to the sun rising in front of me. I look to my side to see if lucifer is there. He isn't so I sit up and see a head leaning up against the end of the bed. So I crawl down and see him watching the water. I smile and hug him from behind. He turns his head and looks at me. He moves his head back to the water.

"I love swimming in water. It makes me feel like I'm in heaven." he says.

"You miss heaven?" I ask him.

"Yes, I loved my Father so much to the point when he made human kind and told us to bow to you I couldn't. So he casted me down to hell." he says standing up. "Do your morning work out and then we have to talk." he says going back to the house.

I stand up with a groan. I stretch my legs and arms. I then start to run barefoot on the side of the beach. Its makes you work harder if you run in the sand. After the 5 mile run I come back to the house so i can practice my fighting skills. Which mean I have to kill demons that broke the rules.

Finally when i am done I go upstairs to my room and take a shower. I get out and change into a ac/dc band t shirt and a pair of jean shorts.

I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I take a deep breath and look to my side where my fathers journal is. I grab it and open it to a random spot.

Dear Amelia,
Last night I saw you in my dreams. Part of me wants to think they recruited you to be an angel. But we all know that they would be crazy enough to do that.
Today would be our 18th wedding anniversary. I can't believe it has been that long.
Another thing happened today. Our little Mary graduated school with honors. And for the other two busy as can be.
Its funny how they lived opposite on what their fate has in stored for them. But maybe thats what she wanted. So they would be evened out and they wont have to do what they were meant to do.

I love you.


And taped to that page was and envelope with a letter in it. So i open it and read it.

Dear Robert, Charlotte and Mary,

My beautiful children. First I love you very much. Secound Mummy had to leave to go to heaven. You three are the most important thing in my life and the worlds. You all posses a gift that can make you dangerous.

Robert. You have the gift of heaven. That hand mark was on your father. Your father was dead and Uncle Cas saved him and brought him up from hell. Yes Uncle Cas is an angel. But he left the mark of heaven.

Charlotte. You have the gift of Hell. That sword mark on your inner arm was also on your father. He acquired it to kill a demon. The mark is called The Mark of Cain. Don't let the evil get to you. You got to be strong.

Mary. You don't have any marks for that I am grateful. But that doesn't mean you arent anything. You are what the angels call 'The Key'. You are to be the one to let Lucifer and Michel out of Hell. Don't let them.

I love you very much.
Be good for Daddy.


I drop the letter next to me and lay on my side. Is it to late? Have I let the darkness in to deep?

Just then I hear a knock on the door.

"Lucifer wants to see you now." the demon says from behind the door.

I get up and look at myself in the mirror. I look just fine. So I leave my room and walk into his office. From what my mom said about my mark being evil makes my stomach turn.

"I want you to kill someone for me. I believe if you do this then you will be able to do the task that you were meant to." he smiles.

"What is it?" I spit out at him through my teeth.

"I want you to kill Castiel."

Carry On My Wayward SonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora