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Group: Caspian, Bellatrix, Andromeda, Narcissa, Lyra, Marlene, Mary, Dorcas, Emmeline, Malfalda, Alice, Lily, Severus, Peter, Bernice, Jude, Cole, Asher, Lee, Aquila, Barty, Adalyn, and Pandora

"Hello Alpha, can I join you and your pack in this Year's Mabon celebration?" Pandora asked as she stopped next to me, my head swirved around to her, my jaw dropped and eyes nearly bulging out of my head "W-what Did you just say?" I stuttered, pulling her into a nearby enclove, thankful there were no paintings down this hall. "Can I join you for this coming Mabon celebration, the nargles told me about your last one, and it sounded like fun, more fun then the one I usually attend" Pandora said in an airy tone, I sighed in relief as it finally made sense, she was blessed by magic, she could see the creatures that not even I could see, the messengers of the gods and the tricksters. "of course, I'm heading to meet them now" I said, knowing she would not mention this to anyone until I was ready "Oh, and your lovely dungeon could do with some new paint, this Saturday perhaps?" Pandora said as we walked to the room "Ok, I'll see about painting at least some of the walls crimson" I said in agreement knowing she was talking about an incoming slip in sanity.

"Hey guys, is it ok that Pandora joins us in celebrating?" I asked once the both of us entered the room "of course, the more, the better" Lily said happily, before passing each of us our parchment and pen.

Thankful for
• My Dad
•My Father
•My Grandpa
• Luna and Archer
• Aquila
•My Pack
•My Wolf (Artemis)
•My Cousins
•My Gifts and Ancestors
•My Friends
• My Magic


After dinner, we all returned to the room "Everyone ready?" I asked getting nods from everyone present, smiling Ellie popped in and brought us to the same clearing as last time. Already knowing what to do, each of us spread out and found our thing, smiling me and Pandora both got a Mabon Flower, "Incendio" Bellatrix cast once everyone was back around the fire, each of us put our letter and plant into the fire. "gratias agimus ob beneficia quae nobis data sunt, gratias agimus pro praeteritis beneficiis et gratias pro beneficiis futuris ¹" we chanted together, enjoying the magic buzzing in the air as the fire changed from Red to Orange to a Neon Yellow.


"Do you lot want to have the same elf or a different one?" I asked as we settled around the room "The same" those that were here last year chorused "Alright, we just need 4 more elves, please Ellie" I requested, Ellie nodded and 4 more popped into the room "This be May, Bay, Fay and Hay" Ellie introduced "It's lovely to meet you" Pandora said with a smile.


I smiled as we entered the clearing again, it felt homey, the magic already had an excited buzz, "gratias agimus dis beneficiis nostris hoc anno, dis gratias agimus quod sata nostra nutriunt, hoc pomum ex messibus nostris pro munere pro beneficiis nostris accipimus.²" each of us chanted, thinking of everything we had to be thankful this past year, one by one, each of us threw our apples into the fire, with each apple the fire grew brighter and turned a bright red color, the smell of apple pie and cinnamon wafted through the air, relaxing us, once done we returned to the room, eating the feast we made and enjoying each other's company.

Each of us released our magic, a peaceful expression came on all of our faces as our magic was let free, dancing on our skin and entwining with the others. "immunditias quasvis e corpore meo remove, auram naturalem ad statum ejus naturalem, mentem meam ullius negativae influentiae purga, mentem, corpus, magicam, et animam iterum concordare permitte. ut fiat fiat³" we chanted, everyone visibly relaxing as all of our stress melted away. Hogwarts rumbled slightly, happy her favorite group was growing, she could see their potential and hoped they continued to grow, for one day they would be powerful enough to take out the evil man that threatened, Corrupted and harmed everything her parents worked so hard for and built.
1- we are thankful for the blessings that have been given to us, we are thankful for the past blessings and we are thankful for future blessings.

2- we thank the gods for our blessings this year, we thank the Gods for nourishing our crops, take this apple from our harvest as a gift for our blessings.

3- remove any impurities from my body, restore the Aura to its natural state, clear my mind of any negative influence, allow mind, body, magic, and soul to harmonize again. So mote it be

Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

Lyra Black *Under Revision*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora