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"what do you mean slip from Sanity?" Severus asked, focusing on that and not thinking about anything else at the moment, I took a deep breath "My mother is not nice, she would regularly harm me and sirius, she rarely touched my sister as I protected her. She would use the cruciatus curse and she used it enough on me that I lost my sanity, I haven't had a slip until today, the plan was that I would appear in the dungeons of my home. Regardless of that, Hello ma'am I'm Lyra, Lyra Black, this is my uncle Alphard " I explained before introducing ourselves "A-Alphie?" Eileen stuttered out "hi El" He returned with a sad smile "what's going on? Why are you here?" Eileen asked confused "due to my treatment I cast a net over Europe, I would be notified if a child was harmed, however due to your mother's love you did not appear on my net. I recognized the signs on the train and planned to help you and Eileen over yule." I explained to the pair.

"I have a manor if you wish to live there, if not I can buy you a new house or fix up this one and I would like to offer you a job as a teacher/Tutor, some of the kids we have are behind what their age group knows and requires help. I am also opening up a cafe and a restaurant if you wish to work there instead "I continued. "I would like to move" Eileen said "but can it be close to this neighborhood, lily lives a block away " Severus added "yes, After this we can go to gringotts to look at available properties, I have business to attend to as well, afterwards if you'd like, we can stop by the manor so you can meet everyone" I said, "that would be lovely " Eileen said "Wonderful, grab anything of importance or that you wish to take, we'll be getting new furniture " I said turning around and getting rid of the body, unaware of the slight gapping mouths behind me "It's best not to argue the point, my niece takes family seriously and your now family, she was turned by Fenrir Greyback on accident when she was younger and it only heightened the need to protect family " Alphard explained.

"Hello Sharpclaw" I greeted as we entered the house "Hello Lyra, Mr.Black, Ms.Prince, Heir Prince, How can I help you today" he asked "a listing of available houses near spinners end, It will be for the princes, I would like another two buildings bought one will be a cafe/bakery and it'll be named the den, the other a fancy restaurant named Le Loup Noir, also another list of available people, beings and Squibs, that will be all" I explained getting a nod from Sharpclaw "it shall be done" Sharpclaw said as Eileen showed which house they chose

"Ok kids name, age and if you want to, your creature" I said knowing it would be quicker this way 

"I'm kian, this is my brother Silias we're both 16, I'm a magical Gargoyle and he's a Squib Cervitaur, these are my sons Arlo and Dax, Arlo's a magical Fairy and Dax is a squib Phoenix, their 3 years old "

"I'm Asher, 16 and a Wizard"
"I'm Callum, 8 and a Wolf"
"Adalyn, 10, Wolf"
"Caden, 11 and a Fae"
"Diego, 13 and a Veela"
"Aurora, 14 and an Elf"

"It's nice to meet all of you" Eileen said with a smile after the rest of the pack introduced themselves as well, "Dave, Richard go and ensure the future centaur colony is clear for them, I dont want them to have to deal with any unwelcome guest" I ordered getting nods in return "Sev, I'd appreciate if you didn't tell any one about, at least not till I'm ready " I asked "Of course Ray, I'll always keep your secrets and thank you for saving me and my mom" Sev thanked in  return.
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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