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I dusted myself off once I flooed into the Potion's Lab, Making sure to only allow my metamorphagus ability to run through the veins in my arms, can't have finding out my secrets, "Ah, lovely to see you dear, would you be alright with testing your blood first?" Nicholas asked, once he saw me "It wouldn't be a problem" I said, normally I wouldn't dare to let anyone have my blood, however this is for my sister and me and the flamels already made a vow to only use my blood for this project. "You'll feel a tiny prick" Pernelle warned before slowly inserting the needle into my arm, "Alright, now please morph into your male form" Nicholas said as he labeled the vial Girl/LB, nodding I slowly morphed into my male form, Aries. Once the blood was extracted and placed into a vial Labeled Boy/LAB, we placed a small sample into two microscopes. "This is incredible" Nicholas exclaimed as he looked at the two samples "It's only been theorized that a metamorphagus changes are only skin deep and nothing changes about their Dna, but yours changes at a microscopic level, each strand of dna is changed to match that of Boy, there's not even a hint of you being a female " He said enthusiastically.

" Am I able to get some one pregnant?" I asked hopefully, "Ubertas reprehendo"  (Fertility Check) Pernelle cast, I glowed briefly before a paper appeared in her hands, she read the results before her eyes widened in shock "what is it?" I asked, a little nervously "You can get pregnant or impregnate someone in this form, after we do this potion for your sister we might be able to make a male pregnancy potion" Pernelle said in disbelief, my jaw dropped,the only one ever made had major side effects that caused more harm to the bearer then good, it would be brilliant if they could make one as only creatures had the current ability to conceive regardless of gender. "well, I know what we'll be doing next" I said after a moment's thought, "What would happen if someone's blood came into contact with mine? I know it would mix but could it have any side effects?" I asked thoughtfully " it's an interesting theory, just adding blood together doesn't do anything, even by magic's Standards, however if we added it directly into the vein along with a simple blood potion, we'll see results " Pernelle theorized aloud, " How exactly do we plan to test this theory? " Nicholas asked, looking at his wife, " By getting a test subject of course " Pernelle said nonchalantly, " I can talk to the goblins, they could hand us one of their prisoners to test" I helpfully added.

"Don't tug on your shirt, I know you hate wearing boys clothes but you have to wear it for now " I whispered to Aquila as we waited in the floo room for our parents, it was time for school shopping again, I couldn't decide if I wished to strangle Sirius for staying with the Potter's for shopping or envy him. I smiled at Bellatrix once we followed to the leaky cauldron, my smile almost vanished when I could see pain in her eyes, carefully I placed my hand on her shoulder, healing her of whatever injury she had, she shot me a grateful look before our parents appeared " Morning brother, will you be accompanying us to get Regulus's Wand? " Mother asked " Yes, it would be good to see the true heir's potential " Uncle Cygnus said, sneering at me discreetly.


"Welcome, please step up and Place your magic into the crystal Ball, Mr.Black" the wandmaker said, Aquila stepped forward, placing her hands on the ball, it glowed multiple colors briefly before a rattling was heard and 4 items appeared on the table, 2 wands and 2 Cores "Kneazle Whiskers, Hippogriff Talon, Ash Wood, and Vine"


We left quickly gathering the rest of the things we needed before returning to pick up her wand

Aquila smiled as she held her wand, I knew she was feeling the same feeling of completion and Home that we all did when we got our wands, nothing ever beats the feeling

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Aquila smiled as she held her wand, I knew she was feeling the same feeling of completion and Home that we all did when we got our wands, nothing ever beats the feeling. "Alright, now it's time to find your familiars" Father said before leading the way towards the store "Release your magic and follow the pull" I whispered to her, getting a nod in return. Immediately Aquila moved to the Feline Enclosures, following her, I stopped with her in front of one particular cage

"He's adorable" I gushed, I couldn't wait till he meets Lynx, Lynx only had Dara and so both cats got lonely at times, "I'll name him Felis" Aquila decided, carefully picking the kitten up and holding him in her arm as she made her way to the rept...

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"He's adorable" I gushed, I couldn't wait till he meets Lynx, Lynx only had Dara and so both cats got lonely at times, "I'll name him Felis" Aquila decided, carefully picking the kitten up and holding him in her arm as she made her way to the reptile area, stopping infront of a cage.

"He's adorable" I gushed, I couldn't wait till he meets Lynx, Lynx only had Dara and so both cats got lonely at times, "I'll name him Felis" Aquila decided, carefully picking the kitten up and holding him in her arm as she made her way to the rept...

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"Lacerta" Aquila decided as she helped her crawl her way to Aquila's shoulder.

Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

Lyra Black *Under Revision*Where stories live. Discover now