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"Potions " Lyra stated, placing her hand on the recording book, it listed every page in every book, giving everyone an easier time in finding what they need, the words on the page shifted until 100s of titles appeared, each book glowing on their respective shelf "Hormone, Gender, Health and Herb " Lyra stated again, this time the titles narrowed, getting rid of any book that didn't at least have a mention of it. "Retrieve" Lyra called as they made their way to the closest table "30 is definitely better than the 100s earlier " Aquila said, smiling slightly "No hello or hug, just straight to the library" Arcturus said teasingly as he entered the Library, "Hi grandpa" Aquila and Lyra said as they got up to hug him, they forgot he would be notified when someone entered the home. "what are you both doing?" Arcturus asked curiously, "We're looking to see if a potion exists" Lyra answered, "I want to tell you something" Aquila said nervously before he could open his mouth "Yes Regulus?" Arcturus asked, looking towards his youngest grandchild, noting the slight flinch when he said his name "I wish to be a girl, me and Lyra are trying to see if any gender changing potions exists" Aquila rushed out, squeezing her eyes tight.

"what is your new name ?"Arcturus asked softly, he didn't mind his grandchild switching genders, as long as they were all happy, he wouldn't mind, "Aquila Lyra Black" Aquila said happily, she was overjoyed that her Grandpa accepted her. "Lovely name, as for your search, there is none that I know of but there could be one our ancestors created" he offered, he did know of one but all of the Wizengamot banned it's knowledge, even the dark faction agreed that sacrificing a virgin of the gender you wished to change to was not worth it, "thank you!" The sisters chorused before returning to their research, writing any helpful potions down.

• Blood-Replenishing
• Bundimum Pomade
• Healing Potion
• Manegro Potion


(Cousins : James, Fabian, Gideon, Sapphirine, Molly, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Andromeda, Sirius, Aquila, Lyra, Caspian, Evan, Arthur, Barty and Frank)
* Note : While Arthur is related to the black family it's distant enough that Molly will still marry him*

"what's wrong?" Bellatrix asked immediately after she stepped out of the floo, they didn't normally see all of their cousins until the holidays, mainly at balls. "Nothing we just wished to have a get together, all us cousins" Lyra said innocently, Bellatrix opened her mouth, ready to reply when James came tumbling out of the floo, falling onto his face, everyone started to laugh, as James groaned, making his way to his feat. "Really Jamie? Been using the floo all your life and you still act like a newborn fawn" Bellatrix teased, she missed getting to joke around like this with her cousins, "shove off bells" James returned with a grin.


"Now what's up " Sirius asked curiously, Lyra rubbed soothing circles into Aquila's back, helping her sisters calm down "I have something to tell you all" Aquila said nervously, looking at each of her cousins, hoping she won't face rejection. "what's wrong reg?" Sapphirine asked, concerned, "I want to be a girl.... Me and Lyra have been looking for potions to help with the process, we haven't found anything yet" Aquila rushed out, she unconsciously gripped Lyra's shirt in fear, like she used to when she was little. "Nooo, I'm outnumbered!" Sirius wailed dramatically, falling to the floor and effectively putting a smile on his sister's faces, the girls shrieked before rushing forward, each of them talking over the others as they talked about taking her shopping and putting her in dresses. "You're overwhelming her" Lyra warned, noticing the slight panic that started to appear in Aquila's eyes "sorry" the girls said sheepishly, in their excitement, they forgot how much she hated being crowded. "We're happy for you" the guys said, each of them hugging Aquila, "What's your new name?" Caspian asked curiously, "Aquila Lyra Black " Aquila said happily, her cousins,siblings and grandfather accepted her, she felt amazing. "Fitting " Fabian started "For the " Gideon continued "Resident book worm" they finished together, "We'll check our libraries, see if there's anything to help" Evan said getting agreement from the twins, James and Caspian, anything to help their new cousin. "No telling Aunts Druella and Walburga or Uncles Cygnus and Orion" Lyra warned, glaring at all of them, her eyes promising retribution if this got out "Yes ma'am " they all said, everyone of them agreed that Lyra was beyond intimidating.

Lyra Black *Under Revision*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora