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Groaning as I caught a glance at Sirius face once we floo'd home, he was sneering at mother and father "ila, go up to my room and stay there" I whispered giving her a gentle nudge as I edged closer to the doors "Who are you sneering at boy!" Mother shrieked "You! You Shrew of a woman!" Sirius yelled back, my eyes widened, I faught the urge to run for the safety of my room, all of my self preservation trying to win against my loyalty to my brother . "WHAT DID YOU SAY! YOU HAVE THE NERVE AFTER DISGRACING OUR FAMILY NAME" Mother shrieked before she slapped him across the face, Sirius glared back murderously, Grabbing Sirius by his arm I yanked him out of the room and shoved him towards the stairs "Mother please have mercy, his time with the Gryffindors made him lose his manners" I pleaded, biting my lip as she slapped me "get out of my site!" She snapped before walking away. I sighed, turning around only to be shoved back " I can take care of myself hag, I don't need some slimy snake to save me" Sirius spat, sneering before he went up the stairs and into his room, flinching slightly, I steel myself before going to my room, no longer caring what he did for the rest of summer, deep within, another crack further broke their bond, the once golden glow now only a dull yellow.

"Quila, would you like to meet Nicholas and Pernelle Flamel?" I asked with a smile "the famous Alchemist! Of course! How do you know them?" Aquila shot off as she stood up "I asked for his help in finding a potion for you , he agreed to help, we'll be meeting him and his wife today so dress nice" I said with a small smile that only grew when Aquilla hugged me tightly.


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"May your gold over flow Sharpclaw, may I introduce my sister Aquila Lyra Black" I said with a smile "And may your enemies cower at your feet Lyra, it's lovely to meet you Ms.Black,your sister talks about you a lot" Sharpclaw returned causing Aquila to laugh and me to blush "It's nice to meet you and please call me Aquila" Aquila said with a smile. Once introductions were done, Sharpclaw lead us to the meeting room where Nicholas and Pernelle were already waiting "Lord and Lady Flamel it's an honor to meet you, I'm Lyra Black and this is my sister, the inspiration behind my project, Aquila Black " I greeted, tilting my head in acknowledgement "Please Nicholas and Pernelle will do and it's lovely to meet the young ladies that have sparked mine and my husband's interest" Pernelle said softly with a warm smile that reminded me of my grandma.

"Now, first all of the runes and symbols are well thought out and would work well, I have a couple of questions about some of the ingredients and I have an Idea of some to add" Nicholas said, getting straight to business once the introductions were out of the way "of course, what are your questions?" I responded "first, how do you plan to get unicorn hair, secondly why the metamorphagus Blood" Nicholas asked "My grandfather's manor has a lovely heard near by, I am on good terms with the heard and can get a hair. And as a metamorphagus I can easily changed my gender, I want to see the capabilities of the blood and if there's any difference between my true form and my male counterpart" I explained calmly. " Alright, now I think the use of crystals can also be beneficial, weather they are added in to the potion or used to bathed it will require further testing " Pernelle said as she showed the list of posible crystals

Rose Quartz
Botswana Agate
Crystal of Life
Clear Quartz
Pink Tourmaline

"I've also found that muggle flowers also do wonders for certain potions" Nicholas added

Pink lilies

Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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