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"The Morrigan is the Ireland/Celtic Goddess of War, Death, Rebirth, Sovereignty, Magick, Glory, Prophecy and Fertility. She was also known as Washer at the Ford, The Raven Queen, The Phantom Queen, The Dark Mother, The Great Queen, The Queen of Demons and The Queen of the Slain. She did Shadow Work and helped those facing their greatest fear, She helped ensure Victory in personal and social battles, Reclaiming personal power, protection for your boundaries and loved ones, transformations and cutting away attachments. Her violent cries on the battlefield would install fear into the enemy, she was a wild flamed haired warrior goddess that never shyed away from bloodshed, there is a debate about weather she's a single deity, a triple goddess or a trio of sister goddesses, however she's described as a shapeshifter so it's anyone's guess. In any case, the Morrigan that appears to you is the one you need in that moment, There's Babd, she's considered the most frightening aspect of The Morrigan. She's referred to as the fighting lady, a wrathful War Goddess, She's been named Red-Mouthed signifying death, she's also seen as the dark goddess who carries the slain home.

She'd appear as a crow, and was known for foretelling dangerous and unfortunate events, her appearance on a battle field could incite Fear and Madness. Next is Macha, she represents the fertility of the earth and the Sovereignty of Ireland, she's considered a personafication of the earth, she's still a warrior and is the version most seen and interacts with humans most. Lastly is Morrigu, she could manifest as a beautiful redhead maiden or a black haired hag, while she does incite violence and war she is also known for wisdom, and generosity to her devotes, she is vengeful and will curse those that disrespect her, while Babd associates with death, Morrigu is associated with Rebirth. She's part of the race of Tuatha Dé Danann, they were a Devine race from the Mother Goddess, her husband is Dadga and the daughter of Ernmas, her symbols are Crows, Ravens, Eels, Heifers, Hazel, 6, Red, The triple moon, The Triskele, and The Triquetra. Offerings for the Morrigan include any red foods, Red wine, Traditional irish foods, Mead, Crow/Raven Feathers, Stormwater, and Milk. This is what she is described as looking like" Bellatrix lectured before conjuring a picture

"Brigid is the Irish/Celtic Goddess of Fire, Healing, Cattle, Poetry, Spring, Life, Fertility, Motherhood, Passion, Serenity, Water, and Agriculture, Some say she may be a triple goddess as she's also known as Brigid the healer and Brigid the Smith

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"Brigid is the Irish/Celtic Goddess of Fire, Healing, Cattle, Poetry, Spring, Life, Fertility, Motherhood, Passion, Serenity, Water, and Agriculture, Some say she may be a triple goddess as she's also known as Brigid the healer and Brigid the Smith. She's also known as The Bright one, The Exalted one, Fiery Arrow, The High One, Great Mother Goddess of Ireland and St. Brigid. She'll appear at any stage of women hood as either a collom of fire,a woman with light emerging from her head or as a snake. We celebrate her on Imbolc, she's also a member of Tuatha Dé Danann, she's the daughter of Dagda, the wife of king Bres and the mother of Ruadán, her symbols are Holy wells, Serpents, Eternal Flame, Corn Dolls, spring, Brigid's Cross, Flowers, and Lambs. Her powers mainly dealt with protecting children, women, homes and Domestic cattle, Healing illnesses and Preventing natural disasters, her offerings included Poetry, Knit Handcrafts, Whisky, Milk, A candle flame, Bread, Cakes, Water, Blackberries, Ivy, Coins, Herbal teas, Heather, Spears, and Arrows, this is what she is described as" Narcissa Lectured

 Her powers mainly dealt with protecting children, women, homes and Domestic cattle, Healing illnesses and Preventing natural disasters, her offerings included Poetry, Knit Handcrafts, Whisky, Milk, A candle flame, Bread, Cakes, Water, Blackberrie...

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Until next time my pups

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