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The abuse worsened for the three Black siblings, walburga descended further into the Black madness, no one knew of course as the females had better control of the madness, more so then the males did, Orion withdraw more from his family, hardly leaving his study unless their was either a party or Arcturus called for a family Meal. The twins prided themselves on being able to protect their little brother while Lyra prided herself on being able to protect her twin as well, of the three lyra's the most scarred, Walburga used the cutting curse when she was drunk, saving the Cruciatus for spell occasions.

~ November 4, 1769

Lyra sighed as she made her way to the floo, she was ten now, just 2 years away from joining Bellatrix at Hogwarts, she wished she could have been born earlier, born before the school's deadline and only have to wait a year before she was free from this place for most of the year but at the same time she wished she didn't have to go, she didn't wish to leave Regulus all by himself in this house. Lyra sighed as she flooded to her grandfather's house, pushing away her mental conversation for now, she'll dwell on it more later, "ready to go? " Arcturus asked, looking towards his granddaughter, they would be going to Gringotts today, it was tradition that the Lord ttook their heir for a inheritance test upon their 10th birthday, in case anything else showed up weather it's because of some lost line or their heir towards their mother's line as well. "Of course grandfather" Lyra said, looking forward to the test, she wondered if any lost lines belonged to her


Lyra and Arcturus bowed to the goblin warriors standing guard outside Gringotts doors, they entered, masks firmly in place as they went to an open teller, thankfully the bank wasn't as busy as normal, "Heiress Black requesting an inheritance test" Lyra stated indifferently, looking up towards the goblin teller "Right this way Lord Black, Heiress Black" the goblin said leading the pair to Ironclaw's office, his family had been the Black family's account manager since the bank opened. "Welcome Lord Black, Heiress Black, please prick your finger and allow 7 drops of blood" Ironclaw instructed, Lyra pricked her finger, counting 7 drops before healing the would, magically cleaning the knife as the results loaded, blood was a powerful thing, you never know what someone could do if they had your blood.

Inheritance test
Name: Lyra Fen Black-Greyback
Mother: Walburga Irma Black
Father: Orion Arcturus Black
Sire/Father: Fenrir Greyback
Twin: Sirius Orion Black
Brother: Regulus Arcturus Black
Creature: Werewolf
Mate(s): Unknown
Elemental Magic
Natural occlumenacy

Arcturus looked at the paper in shock, every line that married into their family found his granddaughter as a worthy heir, "Everyone that has married into or out of your line that never claimed an heir went dormant, so to speak until mother magic finds a worthy heir" Ironclaw explained, looking the test over "it's good news as Lord Borgin has recently passed, leaving everything, shop included to the next heir" Iron claw continued, reading from another paper he had. "I would like to open up a separate account not linked to the black family " Lyra requested, at the moment there was no hope of her, her siblings and cousins escaping Scott free, however the same may not be said in the future and she wanted to be prepared, even if it meant blasting themselves off of the tree. "of course, what would the vault be named and how would you like it protected? " Ironclaw asked, pulling out parchment "Two vaults, Crystal Lupi and Nigrum Roses, I want it to be locked by my magic, those I trust will be given a key that's tuned to their magic" Lyra explained, she wanted more then just the simple lock but it couldn't be down by her blood, otherwise it would just add to the various vaults owned by the black family.

Lyra Black *Under Revision*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora