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~november 3,1959~

The silent autumn night was ruined as the shrill screams of a woman grew louder, "Just a few more pushes Mrs.Black, I almost see the head" The mid wife instructed, keeping an eye on her patient's vitals as the baby started to crown. The woman gave a final shrill scream as she pushed with all of her might, the midwife grabbed the baby, reaching for a warm towel when the baby released a mighty cry, "It's a girl" the midwife said, thankful that it wasn't a still born, those have been happening a lot more recently, and no one could figure out the cause. The mid wife handed the now swaddled baby to her father, Orion Black, "Hello little star" he whispered quietly, a smile blooming on his face as he looked at the little bundle in his arms, the little baby opened her eyes and looked up at the fuzzy figure holding her, Orion's breath caught as he looked into the silver eyes of his daughter, in that moment he swore to always be there for her and to protect his little girl until his dying breath. Both midwife and Orion snapped around to look at Walburga Black as she released another shrill scream, "oh my. It looks like you're having twins my Lord" The Mid wife said as she hurried over to help her patient with the birth of her second child, Orion looked towards the pair in shock, Magical twins were rare In the best of circumstances even more so with the rise of stillborns, Orion thanked every god and goddess he knew of as he heard the cries of his second child. "It's a boy" the midwife said, handing the boy to his exhausted mother, Orion opened the doors to the room allowing his family to enter, "it's twins" Lord Arcturus said in satisfaction as he looked at the two new members of the black family.

"Yes, perfect for the black family" Walburga said, her shrill voice startling the sleeping baby on her chest and causing him to cry, the girl, hearing her brother's cries started to cry as well, the family watched in shock as the small tuff of black hair on top of the baby girl turned blue as she cried more, a small blast of magic leaving the baby in the process. "The gift has returned!" Lady Melania Black said in glee, the once renowned Black gift known as Metamorphmagus had disappeared a few centuries ago, everyone was overjoyed to see the gift return "that is not all my love, She also displayed magic" Arcturus said as he moved closer, impressed with the power and magic already coming from his granddaughter. "What are their names Nephew" Pollux Black, father of Walburga and the uncle to Orion, asked, moving closer to the children as well "This is Lyra Walburga Black and her twin Sirius Orion Black" Orion announced proudly, his family smiled slightly as they caught sight of the first smile Orion has shown in years. Arcturus carefully grabbed his granddaughter from his son's hold, smiling softly down at her before he lifted her, ensuring everyone in the room could see her, " Be hold, Lyra Walburga Black, Heiress to the Most Ancient and Noble house of Black " Arcturus Proclaimed, feeling as the family magic took hold and accepted his claim.

"She's a girl" Walburga said in jealousy and disgust, her shrill voice once again scaring the babies, "Hush girl, as Lord Black I have final say on who's made heir, besides, the black's have had a combination of both Lords and ladies of the house, now stop scaring them" Arcturus said, glaring towards his niece, she was his least favorite and he couldn't fathom why his son married her, he couldn't even wrap his mind around why he would choose his own cousin, however his son insisted and he allowed the marriage. "Her training shall begin once she is 5, I will expect her at my house most days" Arcturus said, carefully laying her in her bassist before leaving with his wife, slowly the gathered family trickled out until only Orion's sister was left "I'm happy for you Ori, perhaps our kids will be friends, Merlin knows they'll need someone closer in age with them, the twins and Sapphirine are already troublemakers" Lucretia said softly, smiling slightly as he placed a hand on her bulging belly "of course they will, Lucy " Orion said confidently, hugging his sister before bidding her goodbye.

~June 25,1961~

Walburga's shrill screams once more ruined the silence as she gave birth to her third child, the 1 almost 2 year old twins peaked through the key hole, as they tried to get a look at their new sibling "It's a boy" The mid wife said as the baby started to cry, She handed the baby to Orion while she started to clean up Walburga,
"welcome home Regulus Arcturus Black" Orion whispered, smiling down at the little bundle in his arms.

~November 3,1964~

The Black Family Ancestral home was covered in decorations for the twins 5th birthday banquet, it was the first milestone for the twins and as such, it was packed with many people from the dark sect, with only a handful from the light and grey sects as well. Lyra happily dat on her dad's lap as she ate her dinner, Sirius was next to her on her grandfather's lap, and little Regulus was to her left, sitting on her mother's lap while Walburga looked at her youngest with barely disguised disgust and annoyance. Her father stood, supporting her as he faced the crowd "Thank you everyone, for being able to join us on this special day as we celebrate the Fifth birth day of Heiress Black and Heir Black " Orion said, holding up a champagne glass as a thanks "Happy birthday! " Everyone in the hall cheered as they raised their glasses in toast of the birthday pair.

~ May 3, 1966~

Lyra rushed down the stairs as she heard her mother yelling, the six year old having learnt that yelling ment pain for them, Lyra entered the Parlor only to see her brother flinch back as their mother raised her hand to hit him, Lyra flew over to them, putting herself in between her enraged mother and her scared little brother. Lyra winced as she was slapped instead, her head swinging to the side by the force of the impact, she bit her lip, holding back tears as she Definatintly staid in front of her little brother, refusing to allow him to get hurt. Walburga grew tired of yelling at the rotten little rats and left the room, walking towards the floo room, intent on finding a lover for the night, her husband securely tucked away in his office where he won't bother her.

"Are you all right sissy?" Regulus asked in concern as tears started to well up in his eyes, it was all his fault that his sister got hurt "I'm ok stellula, What caused her anger?" Lyra asked, pulling her little brother into her arms as she calmed him down, carefully examining him for any cuts or bruises. "I just wanted a hug" Regulus replied in a small voice, Lyra sighed sadly as she hugged Her brother closer to her "I'll be going to grandfather's for a couple of days, stay out of mother's way, ok stellula" Lyra told him, receiving his nod in return.
"Kreacher" Lyra called for their house elf, "yes mistress? " Kreacher asked as he popped into the room "keep an eye on both of them for me and bring regulus to me if he requires a hug or to be calmed down" Lyra said, smiling towards the house elf as he nodded, grabbing Regulus and taking him to Sirius's room. Once Lyra knew her mother left, she quickly entered the floo room and grabbed a handful of floo powder, "BLACK MANOR" she shouted, throwing the powder before being whisked away in a flash of green fire. Lyra subtlety used her gift to cover up the bruising hand print on her face, she made her way towards the study and knocked before being given permission to enter "Good Afternoon GrandFather" Lyra said, her head held high and her voice neutral "Good afternoon dear, Today we'll be Learning the black family history from my grandfather down, In 19.......

~4 hours later~

After lessons Lyra made her way into the greenhouses, her magic spiking as she was surrounded by nature, during one of their more magical training lessons, Lyra and her grandfather had discovered that she was a budding elementalist, Plants were by far her easiest and best Element but she was getting better in the others as well. Lyra relaxed as she checked on all of her plants, here she didn't have to act like Heiress Black or Like girl when her mother's particularly angry, while in these green houses, she doesn't have any responsibilities to anything other than her plants, here she could be free. Lyra smiled as she noted how well all of her plants were doing, grabbing an apple, she planned to go outside when a noise caught her attention, turning back to the apple tree, she cooked as she saw a baby bowtruckle "Aww, you must be hungry darling, let's get you fed" Lyra said softly as she carefully picked him up and moved him to a tree further down that was covered in wood lice "here you go, how about I name you Marv? " Lyra asked, putting the bowtruckle on one of the branches, Marv nodded, giving his agreement as he dug into the buffet around him. Lyra looked up her eyes Widening in shock as she saw the full moon come out from behind some clouds "Sweet circe, I need to get to bed, I'll be back tomorrow marv" Lyra said, waving good bye as she left the green house, turning towards the doors to lock them. Lyra turned around, intent on running into the house only to stop short as she came face to face with a wolf 'please don't be a werewolf' Lyra thought

Until next time my pups

Until next time my pups

Lyra Black *Under Revision*Where stories live. Discover now