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" Ironclaw I want a list of the best tutors for both magical and muggle education and how many house elves do you currently have?" Lyra asked, holding her cub close as she turned to look at the goblin, "As of right now, 40, we'll have an additional 20 by the next spring" Ironclaw said, thinking it over, by general rule, baby and children house elves were never sold, neither were the parents, at least not until the children became adults. Lyra smiled, she'd be able to save so many, and she'd still gain more as she had no intention of banning them from mating, like most families did, "I'll buy them all, please notify me when more are available, and could I please have a list of what they specialize in as well" Lyra asked, "of course, the money will be charged to your account, the elves will appear here with in the hour. The newest house has been built and with the intentions behind it, the builders made it more childlike, you will be the first notified when the next group of elves are old enough " Ironclaw said before leaving through the floor.


"What are we doing today mama? " Callum asked excitedly, "well first we'll go to a mall to get all of you clothes, before moving on to diagon alley, there we will get wands for Asher, Aurora and Diego, lastly we'll stop by the club so the pack can see where they will work and so all of you know exactly where to floo to incase of emergency" Lyra explained, she silently promised to ensure her cub and the other kids got to have a lot to be excited about in the future. "we get wands" Asher asked in disbelief "Of course you do, all witches and wizards deserve a wand at 11" Alan said, smiling slightly at the three.


"Heiress Black, you can't get your wand for a few months" the wand maker, Mr.Jonker, said as the group appeared in the Knockturn Alley wand shop, "It's for these three Asher, Aurora and Diego Haven" Lyra explained, allowing her new wards to move closer to the counter. "Ah, Mr. Haven step up and let your magic out, you will know when you come upon your chosen woods and cores" Mr.Jonker said, Asher stepped forward hesitantly, Lyra's promise to protect them was the only reason he didn't try running back to their house, he relaxed, mentally taking down the dam that surrounded his magic Resoviors. Asher stopped, his magic zeroing in on two woods and a liquid core, "Yew and Hawthorn with the blood of a unicorn, willingly given " Mr. Jonker Said, slightly impressed his magic picked out two woods, Lyra mentally sighed, Asher was a Half blood and she now has a theory on why his parents had thrown him out, Yew was one of the darkest woods magical wise, "two woods, I'm proud of you pup" Lyra said, ensuring her ward knew that this wouldn't change a thing. Asher sighed in relief, he already began to think of the place as home and he was happy he wouldn't be thrown out of this one as well, "Ms. Haven" Mr.Jonker called forth, noting it was a young elf, he hasn't made a wand for an elf in almost 50 years.

Aurora sighed, calming her nerves before she stepped forward allowing her magic free, she almost swooned with joy as she noticed none of her new family had a dazed look that came when in the presence of the addictive nature all elves had in their magic. "Blackthorn and Hawthorne, Eye bright and Elfwort" Mr. jonker said, this young elf was definitely going to be one of the more powerful elves that lived, "alright and Mr.Haven your up" Mr. Jonker said, making sure to remove any of the underwater components, he didn't wish to have his shop blown up because the veela magic came into contact with water. "Oak and Elder, Vervain and eyebright " Mr. Jonker Said, "they shall be ready in an hour and that's 14 galleons " he continued, Lyra nodded, handing over the correct amount before leading the group to the apparate area.


"I can't wait! " Callum said excitedly, today had been the best day ever, "Crystal Lupi, it's nice, I like it" Hazel read before the group entered the building


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