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Kissing Aquila on the head, I left a note on the nightstand before shadowing to the forbidden forest, once there I walked to the clearing , where I met the five centaurs. "Merry met Leader Magorian, heir Bane, warrior Ronan, and I'm sorry but may I know your names?" I greeted before asking the two unknown centaurs "I'm heir firenze " the centaur next to Magorian said "I'm head warrior Thorin, Lady Lefay" Thorin said with a slight bow while the others returned the gesture. "We'll be going through the shadows if that's alright" I said "yes it is, my great grandfather knew Morgana and often mentioned how much safety radiated from the shadows " Magorian said, his eyes shining with a childhood excitement and intrest " Leader Chiron, I've read about him in her journals, he was a brave warrior and an amazing leader" I complimented, getting a nod of thanks in return. Wrapping the shadows around the group, we shadowed a little ways from the clearing " the clearing is further ahead, this was the closest shadow" I explained as we started walking forward

 Wrapping the shadows around the group, we shadowed a little ways from the clearing " the clearing is further ahead, this was the closest shadow" I explained as we started walking forward

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"This is larger then our colony" Firenze said in awe "it stretches out over a 1,000 yards to the north, south and west, my house is 300 yards to the east

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"This is larger then our colony" Firenze said in awe "it stretches out over a 1,000 yards to the north, south and west, my house is 300 yards to the east. We did not know if you would like to bring your current huts or if you'd like to make new ones, so it's currently bare" I explained as they looked over the area " are there fish in the lake? " Magorian asked " yes, there's over 3,000 types of fish, muggle and Magical. The hole towards the center connects to an underwater cavern which connects to the river, spells have been put in place to only allow fish and experienced swimmers to swin in or near the area" I explained. " What about your wolves and vampires? " Thorin asked " the wolves hunt in a warded off area close to the house, we keep our minds during our transformations, the vampires have a steady supply of blood in the manors dungeons " I responded. " What are you going to do about the Acromantula colony, we're the only ones keeping them from the castle " bane asked " I was unaware of an Acromantula colony, however I will try to negotiate with them, give them a new home on the far west side of the property, and give them food, should they refuse and become hostile I will unfortunately have to terminate the threat" I replied honestly.

" You may call me Magorian, gorian in private " Magorian said finally, his eyes showing respect and admiration " thank you Magorian, you may call me Lyra, Ray in private " I said in return, " we'll be making new huts once we move in, for now, let us go back so we may pack" Magorian said causing me to nod as we shadowed back to the clearing.

" Richard, Daniel come to my location, theres an Acromantula colony that we need to talk to" I said over the link " ACROMANTULA! " the pack shrieked causing me to wince, Suddenly Richard, Daniel, Leslie, Dave, Robert, Rick, Robbie and Rupert were surrounding me. " The centaurs have been keeping them away from the school for years, they brought them up when they agreed to move, I promised to try to make a compromise, either move them to the far west side of the property or we'll terminate them,  "Alright" daniel said with a resigned sigh, giving him a quick smile, we headed into the forest, moving to the location Magorian gave us. "Who goes there" a loud voice boomed from a burrow "I'm Lyra Lefay, me and my friends are going to move the centaurs to a new home in the summer when Magorian mentioned you all. I'd like to make you an offer" I said calmly, I stamped down my fear when a giant Acromantula came out of the burrow "what kind of offer?" The spider asked "a new home, it would be alot bigger then this, the ground is soft enough to burrow into but not soft enough to cave in, lots of trees, a river near by. There will be lots of food, should you wish to eat humans, that can be arranged as well" I said.

"We won't be attacked?" The spider asked "no, a ward will be placed , that stops anyone who wishes you harm from entry" I said " I am Aragog, my mate maria is inside" Aragog said " Hello aragog, what do you say? " I asked " yes, it'll take us away from the monster in the school, I have been fearful that it would eventually slither it's way into our home" Aragog said causing a shiver to go down my spine and pale significantly " we'll be moving you in 3 moons from now, is there anyone here who will notice your disappearance? " I asked, gathering my composure " Only hagrid, he raised me and brought me here" Aragog said " I'll speak to him, even have him vist from time to time " I decided " thank you Lady Lefay" Aragog said as he returned to his burrow.

"What could the monster be? " Daniel asked as we walked back " only one "monster" can slither and terrifies Acromantula " I stated with a shiver " Basilisk " Leslie said fearfully, "I'll deal with it once we're in school again, and talk to hagrid then as well, let's go home for now" I said before shadowing us home.
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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