Headshots and symmetry

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Mayara pov

"Lu, this is easily the most stressful thing I've ever done"

"Shut up and grow a pair" she said, head strong, as we sped our way into Alubis Managment. Late.


"Traffic was killer, sorry Aspen"

"It's all good lovely, I only just got here myself" a tall, thin, striking lady said, untying a rushed ponytail, allowing a shock of blue wavy hair to cascade down her leather jacket.

"Maya? Wow you're even more beautiful than your head shots"

"Head shots?"

"I sent your drivers license" Luana smiled, bracing herself for my reaction: annoyance.

My 'headshot' was a photo of me with a shiny forehead, no make up, damp hair from the rain and an expression that demonstrated my love of staying up till 4am tirelessly writing my articles.

"It was... abstract'' aspen smiled," but I'm confident you're exactly what we're looking for to promote a new 'Butaro' line" she said, concerned by my confusion, "they're a clothes line"

"I knew that, sounds good" I lied.

"So, your modelling with me?"

"I'm just the agent, I don't model anymore, but I'm flattered" she laughed as I felt my cheeks burn under the intense spotlights of the studio.

"Outfit 5 to start Julio" she called to an assistant bumbling about the hanging rail. He reemerged waving a - silky long dress and a pair of strappy nude heels -

"Perfect" aspen clapped, grinning wildly.

Julio tugged this way and that at my curls and despite my usual objection to people touching my hair, I relaxed in the leather seat and let him work his magic as he applied simple makeup and sprayed me in a setting mist.



The camera man clicked relentlessly, capturing shots of me in different poses, some of Aspen's instruction and some of my own volition.

My eyes felt heavy but electric from the constant flash.

"These are incredible Maya, you really have a natural grasp on the art"

"Thank you Aspen, I honestly have no idea what I'm doing but I'm glad your pleased"

"I've got you a cat walking gig in Barcelona in a week" she nodded, furiously typing on a silvery tablet. I did not want to be on the receiving end of whatever email was being created.

"Wow." I gasped, aware my jaw was hanging by my ankles, "I can't even-"

"I know talent when I see it but listen babe I have some seriously bomb advice."

"I'm all ears"

She dug a pen from her suit pocket and began brandishing it like a sword of knowledge or some shit.


"Um hm"


"Um hm"


"Wait can you just repeat that last on-"

She ushered me out to the front desk once we had cleared to studio and I had redressed into my sundress and pumps.

A man loitered around a desk in the corner, tapping quietly at a keyboard. He looked well groomed, in the sense that his beard probably required a set square to trim and that his eyebrows we in perfect symmetry.

His white shirt fell past the belt of his tight denim skinny jeans, all dull in colour compared to his stark blue Adidas shoes.

"I guess your a model too?" I asked, hoping I wouldn't repeat my embarrassment.

"No gay men make me puke" he stated, relieving his eyes of his computer only to answer me and turned back to type more words with his spindly homophobic fingers.

I was shocked: he worked in this industry to begin with where its a well no fact that male designers are predominantly gay, plus this is 2015.

"Maybe you shouldn't deep throat so far then" I replied, angry but trying to be smart with my comeback.

"That was the best reply I've heard ever since I started tricking the new models, congrats. Aspen, hire her."

"Wait you were -"

"Joking. I'm as straight as slinky babe"

"Thank you so much Maya, your manager will be updated about any arrangements and gigs I prepare for you. I'm so excited to finally meet you, I've heard some great things from some seriously- I mean seriously- heavy hitters in the world of fame, enjoy this beautiful." she smiled, placing a kiss mid air over my cheek.



Luana pointed at herself and laughed.

"Just perfect, a true professional"

She hit me with my make up bag as I clambered into her car.

What the hell did I just get myself into and who the hell is talking about me?

The first thing that came to my mind as I relaxed in the leather passenger's seat was telling Rafa the good news.

Maya: Hey babe! I have some news I need to tell you, this is literally crazy, see you later baby. Have a good training session X

Luana grinned continuously, prodding me every few miles just to check I was still in the same state of shock that my childhood dream was ( possibly ) becoming a reality. And I was.

Rafa 💩 : Now I'm excited, can you at least give me a clue- no scrap that, come meet me at training and we'll go out for late lunch or something, love you baby! Xx

Maya: Love you too! X

The image in my mind of his sweet confused face, biting those plump pink lips, teetering in his football boots, quite probably shiny with sweat from the strenuous session made my mind pulse.

We could be a real celebrity couple, people would finally consider me to be a viable wag. Maybe.

Maybe I would feel adequate standing by Shakira in the box. Maybe.

Maybe this was what I was holding my breath for. Maybe Lu timed this so perfectly that all the variables would line up to score the perfect goal.

Maybe I should've paid more attention in English class and learned that not every metaphor has to link to a theme.

Maybe I should stop daydreaming and saying 'maybe' and go meet my Brazilian-god of a boyfriend.


I was tired writing this, hence why it's so bad but next chapter is the first chapter in pretty much the entire book where anything really happens... Ly guys!

Opinions? What's going to happen? Should I update far more? Is this even a good book? Neyara? X

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