Dots and 4 months

101 6 1

Mayara pov

"Baby" rafinha smiled, scooping me into his arms.

His eyes were even brighter than usual this morning. If you looked at them too long I swear you could go blind.

"Good morning" I said, slightly shocked at his arrival, "how did you-"

"Marc knows where you live, I text him"

He paused and continued to explain since I looked at him very confused.

"Marc hasn't been stalking you but him and Lu have been close for months so he knows where she is a lot and that happens to be your place"

"Oh right" I laughed, how did I not manage to connect those dots. Wait.

"Months?" I asked. I figured by the way they acted that they'd only just met.

"Yeah, they met at a previous campaign, i guess before you moved here"

By now we were in my kitchen and I became aware that the note was just resting on the counter.

"Do you want a drink?" I asked, my hands shaking. Why the hell was I suddenly so nervous?

I was worried if he read it he'd assume things, even if he would be right to do so and Neymar had made it pretty clear on the note.

"A coffee?"

I teetered on my tiptoes and grabbed a mug from the top shelf. I felt his hands curl around my waist from behind and help me lower the cup.

He kissed my neck, sending sparks down my spine.

I turned around and kissed him lightly. We didn't break apart and continued to kiss, our lips curling together like fingers touching clay on a pottery wheel.

"And good morning to you" he breathed, laughing as I passed him his drink.

"You better be giving me a lift now you've got a free drink"

"Anything for you, meu amor"

I mimed being sick and he laughed.

"Too cheesy?" he raised his eyebrows.

"A tad"

We left the kitchen and headed to my sofa, where I had received that text only yesterday.

I didn't know how I could interrogate him over that, I guess I'd just see if it progressed.

He sat down and I sat on top of him putting my legs in his lap. He rubbed my knee and I leaned into his chest.

"Baby, would you want to go away with me for the weekend?"

"To where?" I sat up, almost splashing coffee on his Barça jumper.

"My dad has a place out of the city, on the coast and me and the guys and their girlfriends and friends are all going, but only a few would be staying over-"

"Like who?"

"Neymar, dani, Gerard. Wait no-I think it's shak's mums birthday so he's busy, um" he started rubbing his stubble, making me laugh, "Marc, so that means Lu too I guess, and some of my friends."

"Sure, i'd love to" i said, smiling and looked up at the clock realising that we were both edging closer to becoming late for work.

"Babe, I've got to get dressed, can you pack those two binders and my laptop into that bag" I said pointing at the items.

He nodded and raced upstairs, stopping at the penultimate step.

"Can you get my phone from the kitchen, it should be on charge"

I hummed, pleased at how organised I was being and rummaged around in my draws for a smart outfit for work.


Luana pov

At the bottom of my bed lay a tray with a small jar of flowers and a coffee, beside some toast, half spread with jam and half spread with marmite.

Marc could never stand watching me eat such a 'crime' but had the fact he had prepared it for me, probably holding his breath and closing his eyes, brought a smile to my face.

The coffee was warm and I sat with it in my lap, covered by the duvet.

I took a bite from my toast and a note peeked out from the thorns of the roses. I plucked it from the bunch of flowers.

"Lu, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry and I'm sorry again, I've been an asshole this past month and more and we haven't spent nearly enough time together. I'm sorry (again). Today makes us 4 months and I cannot put into words how happy these 4 months have been. I love you lu, I love you so much. you're beautiful and everything I could ever ask for, I am truly lucky to have you."

He signed it with his signature and a large heart, in a different colour.

I presse the note to my chest and sipped on my coffee.

I did the traditional 'hollywood relationship' thing and began jumping on the mattress, arms not nearly as wide as my smile.


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