Beauty sleep and flattery

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Mayara pov

'Oi, maya, oi' Luana whined as she prodded my arm repeatedly, 'wake the fuck up'

'Its rude to swear' I said, with my eyes closed.

I didn't need to look at her to know the owner of the irritating arm, seeing as her voice was recognisable from Iceland.

"Lu, I woke up yesterday"

She dragged me from under the sheets and ran her fingers over my eyebrows to tame them.

I noted the Rafinha shaped imprint in the mattress.

"There, you look beautiful, now huz"

"Do you mean hurry?" I laughed at her importunate need to abbreviate words that didn't require shortening.

"Huz to the beat" she said, clapping her hands, leading my numb body into the dining room, where everyone was sat.

Heads turned at my arrival and I felt flushed, looking down at my loose shirt and tiny shorts.

I hurried around the glass table and sat on rafas lap, to hide my lack of material, whether he liked it or not, I guess I had a pretty bony ass.

He kissed my shoulder lightly.

"We slept just perfect rafa, you're beds pretty damn comfortable" Camila said, radiating her warm smile over the table, staring intent into Neymar's eyes.

They sat next to each other but they were pretty much sharing a seat in the way she had folded her legs across his.

"Yep" he agreed quietly, picking at his bowl of fruit.

She grabbed his hand and forced him to feed her a bite and he did, willingly.

"I couldn't sleep at all, someone was having a shower at 1am so I woke up" Julia groaned.

"What a shame" I smiled, you could use the beauty sleep, I thought.

"Plus I've got this really important catwalk show I'm supposed to attend, I'm a designer, I don't know if you know that?"

"I didn't" I said, sincerely smiling and nodding to look faintly interested.

"Well I am" she laughed, swishing her dark curls over her shoulder and pouting her lips, "I really wanted to stop by Chanel to see Ava, she runs all the Spanish stores, not sure you knew that either" she laughed, "and I needed to collect a dress she's picked out for me"

"Sounds lovely" I lied, wrapping my arms around Rafinha's neck to distinguish my anger.

"We've got training so I don't know if you ladies want to hang about here or-"

"I'm sorry we can't, Maya has a photo shoot in Mataró" Luana blatantly said, grinning and staring at me like I knew exactly what was going on. I can tell you I did not.

"Lu-" I choked, the sip of orange juice I stole from Rafinha's glass lodging in my throat.

He patted my back lightly and laughed as I gulped for air.

"Sure we do" I laughed.

"Starts at 1pm and we need to drive there so we need to leave like now" she said, emphasising the importance of not being late.

"How did you-" I started but stopped myself when I realised everyone was staring at me, blowing the lie that was gradually becoming more believable.

"Your agent called last night, I wanted to wait but it came up sooner than I thought, let's get going"

Julia's jaw dropped, like she'd received news she had chlamydia.

I was silently hoping that Lu wasn't messing me about, even though I understood this was just a hoax to irritate Julia and to get out of spending a day with her.

"Huz" she taunted, asking Rafa for permission to lift me off of his lap and he silently nodded in reply.

"Babe" he said.

"Babe" his friends said in unison, laughing.

"Leave it out" he laughed, getting up and ushering me out of the kitchen.


"Do you really think I'm actually going to model for some magazine?" I laughed, after Rafinha's persistent questions of when did I plan on telling him I'd opted for a career change.

"You're beautiful enough baby" he said, holding out an arm to stop me collecting my things and pulling me into a tight embrace, "I mean that"

He kissed my forehead.

"That's flattering but she's just kidding to annoy Julia, I know Lu"

"Why would she want to annoy Julia?"

"Because she's been nothing but a bitch this entire weekend? Or maybe the fact she has serious ego problems? Have you been listening to her?"

He nodded, avoiding my questions.

"Who is she anyway?" I asked lightly, my brain replaying the image of the pink scratches across his torso last night.

"She's just a family friend and her mum gets pissed with my mum if I don't invite her to things" he said, shrugging his shoulders innocently.

"Right" I nodded.

"Good luck baby, you'll do amazing, ill text you but I've got training too, so maybe we could meet up after or you could come to mine" he said, changing the subject quickly.

"Yeah, I'll call you later" I said, kissing him briefly on the lips.


Neymar stood awkwardly holding Camila around the waist in the doorway, as everyone waved me and Luana out of the building, only after Lu and Marc were done trying to swallow each other in the hallway.

We strutted down the drive way joined at the hip.

I breathed out once Lu had closed the car door.

"You can collect your oscar now" I laughed, reclining in my seat.

I looked back once more to see Julia's stick thin arms tugging Rafinha back into the house, as he closed the door.

"Stop checking loverboy and Julia, we have an agent to impress" she said, applying some lipgloss in the mirror.

"Wait, you were being serious?"


'Loverboy and Julia' ... What do you think of Julia in this chapter? Xx

Thanks for reading and again thanks for the patience x

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