Oranges and black lace

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Maya pov

Romulo was at home and glued to his computer by the time I had peeled myself reluctantly off of the beautiful beach and dragged myself home.

I decided I would ambush his dog, Kuma, from behind on arrival in the kitchen but the white ball of fluff escaped up his stairs before I could.

'What are you doing?' I asked, grabbing some fruit from the full bowl on his kitchen counter.

'Please take it all' he said sarcastically and lobbed an orange at my back as I walked away.

'I will don't worry' I said smiling and he waved me away.

I stamped my foot by his chair and he lurched at me.

'Can you mind your own, I'm trying to make a damn call to a friend.' he said bluntly.

'Do I know this friend?' I sussed I was annoying him with all these questions but I wanted to figure out if this was a 'friend' as in 'girlfriend' or an actual friend.

'Probably not, he did play for santos though. Depending on how much attention you payed to my games when I was younger, you might recognise him.' he finished explaining and turned away, exhausted by incompetence.

'I'm gonna pack anyway' I said walking away but very slowly. 'one. More. Day.' I said even slower, dragging my feet along the tiles, in an attempt to stab some guilt into him for ignoring me.

'You know I can visit you right?' He said, not averting his eyes from the white lines circulating the screen waiting to be connected to the mystery caller.

'Please stop getting upset Rom, it's scaring me how much you care, calm down.' I said sarcastically and climbed the steps two by two.


Neymar pov

'Training was alright' I said, smuggling a yawn under my hand. I was tired but determined to see a familiar face.

'Dude, Fica got worse since you left today he made-e he-' Romulo said, his voice was disjointed and he sounded like he was at the bottom of a well.

I watched his lips move quickly but heard no sound on the receiving end.

He had acknowledged my confusion and began rummaging around the room for some speakers to use as a microphone.

The white dots whirred around the screen forming a jagged circle. I followed it's movements with my head until I felt dizzy and lay back on the head rest watching my friend adjust the sound on the other end of call.

'I could be a minute, my sisters been moving my things around' he mouthed putting up a finger to gesture patience.

I didn't know he had a sister, but by the looks of it she really had taken over his house. She had filled boxes, in the spare room he had moved our call to, until they were overflowing with shoes and copies of vogue. She had brought her entire life to his house.

He left the room in search of some speakers and I sat twiddling my thumbs awaiting his return.


The computer was silent.

I saw a girl walk into the room and perch on the bed removing her boots one by one brushing them of sand. I guessed she had been to the beach.

Her hair agreed with my presumption as it was slightly wet in places and tousled and she ran her long ringed fingers through her curls.

She wore a low cut black crop top that was off her shoulders showing her delicate neckline and collarbones. Her skin was sunkissed and appeared smooth.

I watched her in awe as she traipsed around the room placing a heavy suitcase on the bed, biting her lip under the strain.

I raised my hand and leaned in to help her lift the case and chuckled to myself remembering that a) she couldn't hear me and b) I was an ocean away from her.

I was glad she hadn't noticed the open laptop when she walked in the room but I sat on the edge of the screen incase she did glance at the desk because then at least all she'd see was my blank room.

I was captured by her: her hair, her silent smile, the way her hands folded dresses and slung shoes into the bag.

'Where are you going?' I asked, but I might've been talking to a wall.

She tilted her head and a small white dog sprang up to join her on the bed and then scampered out of the room within the same moment. She stared after it and sighed, checked her phone then tossed it onto a table. I realised just how observant and creepy I was being. I hadn't known Romulo had a sister, not one quite as beautiful as her anyway and I'm sure she would feel uncomfortable if she found out I had sat stalking her.

My point of being creepy was made obvious when she reached for the button of her denim shorts. I heard her hum a familiar song. I put my hand over my eyes and held my breath though she wouldn't hear my reaction.

My eyes found they way back to the screen and through my fists that i had placed as barrier over my face, I locked my eyes on her.

She dropped the shorts to the floor and they landed in a heap. Her long tanned legs danced around the room as she put on her radio and continued to pack.

I felt guilty for watching a girl, I didn't know, dancing around in her underwear and a crop top but she was stunning.

As she reached to raise her crop top over her head I turned away as she didn't have any bra straps showing and I didn't want to invade her privacy so much to look at her bare chest, though I'll admit I was intrigued.

I shut the laptop and text Romulo 'sorry tired, big match tomorrow ( which you should wish me luck for oi ) , talk soon ney :) '

I leaned back into the sea of pillows and threw my phone vaguely at my bags that I had discarded by the door earlier.

I closed my eyes and the image of her small feet padding around the room clothed in nothing but black lace and a crop top replayed in my mind.

I hadn't heard her say two words and I was purely infatuated.


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