Rented tuxes and goodbyes

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HiiIIiiIii 🙆👋 so brief authors note (though I'm far from being an Author) so this is just a long intro type to my main character - maya- I'll also be posting this on my Instagram and then another chapter/s in a while, hope you enjoy it, can't wait to get going in the fanfic 🙈😁💗💗

P.s. Sorry that the first chapters are mainly background xx

P.p.s- English is not my first language ( I'm Greek ) so if there are any mistakes I'm really sorry, if you point them out it would be great for my English and I'm sorry if it makes it confusing 💖❤️


Mayara pov

The tears began to swell in my eyes and I felt them fall gently down my cheeks. I bit lip to fight the tears but also in anger at what was inevitably about to happen.

I stole one last glance at my wardrobe, where a white lace dress, in my exact size, hung proudly from the wooden frame.

My heart began to race as the realisation that my father would follow through with his sadistic plan hit me like a fist to the stomach.

I reached for my suitcase and began the rushed task of piling all of my belongings into one small bag. Hoisting the heavy case over my shoulder, I ran out of the door, holding my breath as I slammed it behind me.

I stepped down the driveway blinking into the harsh sun. The guests would arrive soon but there would be no bride to gawp over.


'Mayara. Please listen to me. Your father he- he's just trying to give you a good life, sweetie.' My mother croaked down the phone, even she didn't believe her words. 'He didn't anticipate that it would effect you like this.'

She cleared her throat and I shook my head repeatedly, though she couldn't see me.

'Come home, maya. It's not too late.' She begged. 'Marlon will still be there'

She was referencing to the groom, that at most was worried about the expense of renting a tux, standing by a make shift altar, waiting for the wedding that my father had fabricated to 'marry me good' and 'keep me stable'.

In reality it was a hoax to get me out of his home and stop living off of my parents, though he failed to realise that that isn't irregular for a 19 year old.

The same placid faces of my family would still be standing around if I returned, waiting, on my driveway, smiling and feeling accomplished.

'I don't want to live out his fantasy, if he likes Marlon so much he can marry him himself.' I spat.

I wasn't sure why I was angry towards her, in reality I wasn't; my mother was as detached from his plans as I was and it was to not fault of her own that I found myself moments from a forced marriage.

'Honey. He means well. I really don't know what more I can say. But you know that you can't just walk away from situations like this.'

I brushed my feet deeper into the sand, slipping my toes from my flip flops. I walked toward the sea until the frothy waves almost kissed my skin.

Taking a deep breath I looked out onto the horizon and began wading through the water. The water was cold and refreshing and it didn't fase me that my shorts were beginning to stick to my legs.

'Where's all of your things maya' she yelled, I held the phone a few inches from my ears as curse words, increasing in volume, burst through the silence. 'maya, you come home right now.'

I guess she had found my empty room.

'Mum, I was going to tell you before, but I've got a job in Barcelona.' I said quietly and waited for her response.

I took a few moments for her to process my words and I listened intently to her heavy breathing. 'Mum?' I said breaking the silence.

'Ok.' was her reply.


'Ok?' I questioned, my eyes growing wide.

'Ok' she sighed. 'it's more than ok, maya, you need to get out. I can't defend your father anymore, he was wrong and it's unfair what he arranged. I'll send all your other clothes as soon as you arrive and just- please contact me maya, you're only 19.' she said apprehensively, fighting with herself if she wanted to protect her husbands opinion or my own well being.

'I need a fresh start, I've had it worked out for months.'

'When do you go?' She said bluntly, I could tell she wasn't excited to see me go.

I bent lower into the water and ran my fingers through the waves, being careful to keep the phone above it.

I felt a smile inhabit my lips and swished my legs in the ocean creating miniature currents. Though I was scared that in some way the arranged marriage would find a way to continue, I ignored all my problems in that moment and found myself spreading my arms wide and gulping in the sea breeze.

'A few days.' I said beaming.

'Stay with your brother, then contact me when you arrive' she pleaded. I noted the exhaustion in her voice.

'Ok, mum I love you so much. thank you. Tell dad I-' I stopped myself, I didn't think it best to get her to pass on to him how I really felt.

'I'll tell him your ok. I love you too baby I'll talk to you soon.'

I hung up.

I retreated from the water, drenched everywhere but my ear and the phone that was attached to it. I dipped my hair in for good measure then replaced the cool sand with my flip flops and walked back to my car, with a slight spring in my step as the prospect of change clung to the atmosphere.

I looked back over my shoulder towards the large expanse of glistening ocean. This is a view I would miss. But in my mind I toyed with the idea of being miles away.


Three knocks, three minutes and no answer. I began walking back to my car that I had badly parked across my brother's freshly mowed lawn.

As I opened the door I heard a voice call loudly, 'Maya?' and then he came running. 'I heard. Mum told me I was about to come and get you' he stopped talking and tugged me into a tight hug.

There was 6 years between us but we were still very close. I let the tears fall, I didn't hide from my brother when I was upset and he squeezed me tighter leading me towards his apartment.

Romulo played for Santos so his large apartment was pretty luxurious for most 25 year olds that lived in São Paulo.

I dropped my bags at the entrance and walked down a long cream hallway to the spare room where I collapsed on the bed.

Romulo wrapped me with his body and brushed the hair from my face.

'I'm going to miss you so much' he breathed quietly. His voice sounded strained like he were on the verge of tears.


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