Cheap sunglasses and strips of light

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I followed the direction of her excitable finger and my gaze locked on him.


And then locked on her. Her being the girl strolling-strutting, with him trailing behind like a shadow.

She was technically stunning, in the way that clever contouring and layers of lipstick could engineer a face to be.
Not that you could see her face since the majority of her walk across the sand dunes it spent its time somewhere in the clouds, and her eyes were masked by some cheap 'designer' sunglasses.

Rafinha stripped off his shirt, ignoring the girl completely as she slowly undid her own, directing her chest at him, and ran out to the water.

She reminded me of somebody, like i'd seen her with him before, but the memory was faint and I brushed it off, she was just a girl late to the party.

Neymar unhooked himself from around my waist and shuffled back a few steps, as rafinha breached the water.

"You got in without me" he pouted, laughing.

"You were late" I stated, crossing my arms and putting on my best laugh.

"Which I'm incredibly sorry about baby, my mum wanted me to put up some shelves for her and-"

I cut him off with my lips and he smiled into the kiss, realising he was off the hook.

Still kissing, I nudged him under the water and we span in the waves.

He grabbed my hips lightly and we swam deeper out into the blue.

We continued slipping through the soft waves for a while, splashing each other every few metres.

"you look beautiful" he beamed.

I blushed and he lifted me onto his shoulders. I was surprised he could still stand at this depth.

"I can't" he struggled beneath me.


"You spoke out loud, which you do all the time by the way" he laughed.

I jumped off of his shoulders and we raced back to shore, to join the others that had clambered out of the water and lay in one mass on the sandy beach.

The girl tutted as I passed her and I glared back, feeling a protective arm slither over my stomach.

But it wasn't rafinha. Neymar tucked me onto his hip and began marching away from the beach to a rock face jutting out of the coast.

"You're gonna love this" he smiled, upside down since my head was hanging inches from the floor.

Why did people feel the need to swing me over their shoulders? Literally just ask and I'll walk, it's not hard.

He read my mind because he put me down beside him.

People were following behind by now and our path broke out into a cave like lake, with strips of light passing through the gap in the rocks.


It's been too long, comment what you think should happen next ? Xx

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