Soft boxes and Julia

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Neymar pov

She was there, behind the camera, the girl from the skype call. She was even more beautiful in real life and she was walking my way.

I brushed the stray tendrils of hair from my eyes, cleared my throat and licked my lips incase she wanted to kiss me- talk to me since I had a dry mouth.

"Is that all of you?" was the first words she spoke, well shouted, and her voice sounded like silk.

"Yes" I said as gently as I could in the hope i wouldn't sound too patronising. "that's all of us"

She laughed and looked at me for a while and then scribbled something down on a clip board, making her way back to a large camera.

She fiddled with some buttons and settings while we all rushed to get into a line, silenced by a unanimous appreciation for the other gender.

I think she felt we were all staring at her so I began a conversation with Messi so we wouldn't all look like meerkats obsessively stalking her every move.

I felt like I should call out dibs at this point since I technically had seen her first but Rafinha jumped the gun and I saw him break from the line and offer to carry some equipment, along with her friend, from the black range rover they had arrived in.

Her friend was far more confident and started chatting to Marc, leaving me and Messi alone kicking a ball between ourselves.

I wanted to tell him about the call and how I should be the one talking to her but reading further into that conversation I would have to tell him about the stalking part and the seeing her practically naked part and that didn't seem like a good idea.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from her, again; there were so many times when Messi would click his fingers in my face to regain my attention but I was too infatuated.


Mayara pov

"Woah" said a tall man with an amazing smile, who saw me struggling with some soft boxes and an umbrella set, that I had unsuccessfully tucked into my arms.

"I'll take those" he laughed and eased the heavy items from me. His muscles flexed under the weight of the equipment and I saw the fabric of his shirt strain and tighten around his bicep, not that I was observing his muscles.

"I'm maya" I smiled, trying my hardest to appear confident. I reached out my hand - a stupid mistake - since a) I looked really informal and stuck up and b) he was carrying his body weight in metal and could barely move a pinky.

I laughed nervously and tucked my hand firmly back into my jean pocket.

"And you're gorgeous" he whispered, biting his lip at the same time making my heart start to beat rapidly in my chest.

It took a moment to recognise he was speaking to me. I wanted to thank him but I'd taken too long to reply making a lump form in my throat and if I said anything now it would be like laughing at a joke 4 days after the punch line, basically awkward.

I felt my pulse in my ears as he dumped the equipment onto the grass.

He looked as confused as I was and we began placing metal on metal until a vague photography studio like structure formed.

"Get my good side" he laughed running back to the line they had formed on Luana's say so, jolting his arms around like he was posing for vogue.

I laughed to myself and vowed that I was not going to be the same shy Maya and go rekindle a conversation after the shoot was done, since I didn't get his name though I was adamant that he was flirting with me as a joke or a dare.


Neymar pov

"Dayum" Rafinha said once he had stopped flirting with the beautiful photographer and replaced his position next to me.

"She's not an animal, it's pronounced 'neymar-would-look-cute-with-her-because-I'm-pretty-certain-that-rafinha's-got-a-girlfriend-already-and-neymar-just-seems-like-a-nice -enough-guy' not 'dayum'" I gasped nudging him while grinning like an idiot for the photo, feeling confident I'd conveyed my point loud and clear.

This was a girl that I had already established feelings for, had already dreamed about without even saying a word to her, and I was desperate to get to know her.

But Rafinha was also a close friend and I didn't want to fight with him.

"You can't claim her either, then your treating her like an animal" he nodded, taking the moral high ground. "And I am, in fact, single"

"So who's Julia?" I said looking at the messages on his lock screen from the phone I had slipped from his back pocket.

He snatched the phone from me.

"My cousin" he snapped.

"You and your cousin are close" I joked recalling the messages of 'babe, see you tonight' etc that seemed to conflict with his story.

"Okay, well who's maya?" he said dropping a name that was supposed to silence me.

"That's a Brazilian name, I think" I said as if I knew what I was talking about.

"It's your beloved camera woman's name" he taunted.

"So you and her are on a first name basis?"

"Indeed" he said sticking out his tongue, angering her friend who was certain that we would act professionally and produce pristine photos for her article.

"Rafinha I swear to god" she yelled and he tucked it away.

"I'm not arguing with you over a girl, man code means I get the first chance at her heart since I saw her first"

"Well actually- " I was beginning to tell him the truth but the same thing applied to Rafi as it did Messi.


The shoot was over and the girls had collected their group shots.

Her friend continued to snap pictures of the guys dribbling or practising penalties.

We all started dispersing into different areas of the pitch for the next training activity but Maya called out quietly after us.

"Can one of you give me a tour, it's for my article" she said, she didn't need to say anything more since all of our arms, even those with girlfriends and wives, shot into the air.

Mine was clearly the highest and fastest though she pointed to Rafinha.

I sighed and caught up with Dani when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I though it would be Rafinha rubbing it in my face that he 'got the girl' but it was Maya.

She shifted a wisp of hair that framed her face and looked up at me through her long eyelashes, with her sparking green eyes glinting in the sun.

I put my hand over my eyes to get a better view of her face since the sun was so powerful.

"Still up for the job?" she questioned.

I watched Rafinha walk over to Luiz, with his head by his ankles. I guess he had called him over for a meeting so she had to pick someone else.

Although I felt a bit hurt realising that I was her back up, I was grateful to at least be considered that by someone so beautiful.

"Sure" I agreed. They weren't hitched yet, I still had a chance.


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