Glass and marketing

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Mayara pov

Luana had organised a cab to take me straight to her place, which was a huge relief since I could barely open my eyes after the flight and the task of finding a ride felt like climbing a mountain.

I was tired and crashed on her living room floor mid conversation when she began telling me all the things my new job would entail and some advice that I can't recall a word of.

Luana and I we're complete opposites. She was confident and would flirt with anything with a pulse, and then drops the guy after the first date so she gets a free meal and a kiss on the cheek.

I wasn't that in anyway; I preferred avoiding the opposite gender at all costs since I usually start making animal noises if a guy that is even vaguely hot walks towards me.


Neymar pov

"Fuck you, man." I shouted at Luis after he successfully shot the ball at my lower half. He replied with nothing but laughter.

I shuffled off the pitch, grabbing my now throbbing crotch and ran to medical where I spent the rest of the training session on my phone.

My heart wasn't in it today, which shocked me since today we were playing Villarreal and matches were usually very exciting for me.

I couldn't pinpoint what was going through my head, everything just felt like consistent fuzz and noise.

"What's going on, ney?" Dani said, peering his head around the laminate navy door.

"I'm fine" I said sharply, I wasn't in the mood to explain to him something I couldn't even explain to myself.

"Well, Coach wants you back." he huffed "but you can talk to me about whatever, whenever. ok?" he said before leaving.

I followed his neon cleats back out to the pitch.


Mayara pov

"Oi! get up" she yelled close to my ear, trickling water down my back.

I shook the cold droplets off and gave her a sour look.

"It's fricking 7 am, I had a nearly 11 hour flight yesterday"

"Can your ass go cry me a river in shower, I got you a fricking job be grateful and get ready. We leave in 30"

Lu was always one for a plan and shoved me into the bathroom, throwing heavy shampoo bottles and light pink towels in too.

I turned on the faucet after 10 mins of trying to figure out how her shower worked, since the handle looked like a Rubik's cube. She heard me swearing over the rush of the water which earned a loud laugh from her.


I followed her heels that clinked in a steady rhythm down the long hallway of my new work place and listened to the excited dialogue she was giving me.

"Okay, so our first job is 'marketing management' for Fc Barcelona."

She looked behind at my confused expression and decided that it might help giving me more detail.

"That basically means we plan their advertising campaign and we also get to watch some free matches, meet the players and your going to be there for the photoshoot."

She lead me down the corridor past a vending machine containing questionable rolls and neon drinks that could easily glow in the dark.

"I can't wait" I lied. I loved working with Lu but I definitely wasn't excited to meet some footballers, being related to one was enough.

I realised that the dingy building we had been walking through was a printing firm and the attached building was her office.

The double doors opened out into a big glass space adorned with white clean cut desks and long windows with a view of the city. It was stunning.


She left me around thirty seconds to get used to my surroundings, collected a few folders that were spilling out of her large orange Michael Kors and planted me in the leather seats of her Range Rover.

"Our aim is to watch their training session and get some good shots, and your our 'star studded' photographer so you'll be absolutely fine. I've seen your work and it's incredible." I felt my cheeks redden and I laughed since photography hadn't really been my specialty and we both knew that.

She had lied on my CV to get me the job saying I had shot for loads of brands I couldn't even pronounce and I went along with it.

"As for talking with players, well they'll be all over you since your my hot friend and I'm the one with the big mouth" she laughed.


Neymar pov

"Take a break guys and get ready you've got a team photoshoot at 1 so I want you all in your match kit" Luiz, our coach, yelled above the sound of boots thumping into footballs and light laughter whenever someone tripped over a ball.

We all nodded in approval, though I wasn't feeling too excited for a photoshoot, and headed into the changing rooms, where we discussed whether the photographer would be hot, since they usually employed an 80 year old man.

The room erupted into chaos, with shirts being flung at faces and sweaty socks bouncing off of the lockers because none of us wanted to pose in front of a camera so our faces could be plastered along bedroom walls and people's fan pages.

I followed Marc's footsteps out onto the field where we were shooting and saw something that I hadn't ever expected to see.


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