Head banging and musk

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Mayara pov

I got to Camp Nou, blasting Beyoncé and enough Paramore to make my ears bleed, to see if I could wake myself up a bit.

We took a shortcut past a cute coffee drive thru to get a morning fix and sped the rest of the journey down the grey thickly tree lined roads.

This was also my first time driving in my car (that got shipped here curtesy of the bank of Romulo, though I had previously bought the car on my own accord).

The roads were calm since we'd missed the morning rush hour and we spent the journey head banging to old rock songs.

Luana was exhausted by the time we got to the camp and ran off to 'work on some filing issues' but found Marc on her way and got sidetracked in a changing room somewhere.

None of this felt like work. I was in my element taking some action shots of their training. They all turned out clear and captured the energy on the field.

Rafinha avoided my gaze the entire session though he said he 'couldn't wait to see me' ( I quote ). I'd never seen a man more distant.

I was glad of this since after hearing Luana's recount of the party I wasn't clear whether he was single and whether he even liked me.

I felt myself cut the thread I had tied myself to him with and turned my attention to more taxing affairs: my article.

I sat down in one of the stands close to the pitch, believing strongly that I would be left alone to work in silence and nothing but the beat of footballs.

I was wrong: Neymar came and found me, obstructing the flow of my writing.

He had on a tight training skin that hugged his biceps and the purple colour excentuated his dark brown eyes.

He smelt of white musk and his silver earrings bounced as he jogged closer to me.

I gave up writing my article eventually and turned to him.

"Maya, I was wondering if you'd want to get a drink with me tonight?"

"A drink, with my hangover I don't think so, but I'd get dinner with you" I hinted.

"I think we need to talk about something" he said vaguely and left.

"Meet me at Rosecco's at 8pm tonight" he yelled, winking and jogging back to join the players.

I laughed inwardly.

Though I wouldn't allow myself to think this: I was excited to see him. Plus, he was right there was a lot I still needed to discover about what happened last night.

And If Rafinha was with another girl I saw no reason to pursue whatever amount of flirting was happening between us.


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