Revolving doors and planets

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Everyone had now retired from the cove, dipped in sand, with damp tousled beach hair, and perched on the arrangement of sheets on the wide stretch of beach.

Everyone, including myself, was substantially more drunk than they were at the beginning of the evening and many had empty beer bottles hanging loosely from their hands.

"I'll finish that." Alvaro laughed, slipping my Cobra from between my fingers, "lemonade for the lady"

He bowed in a gentleman-ly gesture but I wasn't having any of it and snatched the cold glass back from him.

I downed the last of my cool beer and smiled sweetly at him.

"I stand corrected" he said, wrapping an arm around the shoulders of a girl, who I now know to be Maria, and she leaned into him automatically.

Neymar edged closer on my right and I was sandwiched between him and Rafinha, not a bad sandwich to find yourself in albeit, but i felt my chest get heavier.

I leaned closer to rafinha incase neymar got any smart ideas but he was deep in conversation with jona about some coach they had shared.

I got up, planning to not draw attention to myself, and slipped to the sink in the kitchen to remove the sand from under my finger nails.

From where everyone sat on the beach you could see into the house as the bifold doors had been opened fully.

But as my feet graced the tiles, the doorbell sounded.

'Its like a fricking revolving door or something, I literally invited like 5 people.' I heard Rafinha moan, looking at me, 'babe can you go see who it is'

I nodded. The figure continued to bang the glass and I rushed to open it.

In one swift movement a flustered blond stormed past me, beaming, and ran through the kitchen, through the sand and into Neymar's arms, shouting his name wildly.

He forced a smile and caught her as she leapt at him.

"Camila" he said, not able to disguise his alarm.

"Ney baby" she said, between kissing him.

Rafinha raised an eyebrow at their display and tutted, "the bedroom's just down there" he laughed, gesturing to a clean corridor.

"We're fine thankyou" she laughed and got down from him.

He hesitantly brushed his arm around her shoulder and they sat down together, but it seemed like they had a planet edged between them.


It was cosy being next to Rafa but distant all the same.

"If I were a song, I'd be a single" Shanai moaned, casting her eyes across the various couples, including me and rafinha, not that you would know it.

"That's because you'd be best on the album" Jona smiled, winking at her and she smiled back.

Everyone stared at Jona and groaned.

"I actually haven't heard that one before, well done bro" Giovani groaned sarcastically.


The sand dunes were tipped with clouds and the light behind them switched from a pale blue to an intense purple pink.

Marc sat Luana on top of him and burrowed his face in the crook of her neck. I couldn't resist smiling seeing Luana so deeply in love.

I looked up at Rafinha, who was doing pretty much the opposite: checking out sunglasses girl or bitch, in my mind the two seemed interchangeable.

He caught me watching him and kissed me lightly.

The wind suddenly picked up and I wrapped a towel tighter to my chest, aided by Rafa's arm that was now enveloping me.

He extended his arm and swept me up over his shoulder. Again.

Everyone followed like sheep and the various couples split off into the various rooms; the girls smiling at each other and the boys winking with inappropriate gestures of varying degrees, signifying the great time they were about to have.

"Babe, I've just got to clean the kitchen, if you want to have a shower or something..." he vaguely smiled, letting his sentence trail on the cold kitchen tiles where we were stood.

We were alone now but I felt like there was something or someone we weren't considering.

"If you want I could help you?" I asked beginning to sweep empty red cups and bottles into a black bag.

He rushed over an held his hand out.

"I've got this" he stated and removed the bag from my hands.

"Okay then" I laughed into the silence.

My feet padded down the corridor. I stared at the deep navy paint on my toes until I saw a pair of long, tanned, oddly beautiful feet across from mine.

I let my eyes detach from the floor and smiled.


Possibly the longest and most - wtf - literally - nothing - happened - at - all - we - waited - like - a - month - for - an - update - and - this - is - it ... So yh I'm sorry this sucks a whole lot but it's kind of to set the mood for some things to come ... <3 thx for the patience xxx

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