Flecks of green and Respectable adults

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Mayara pov

My eyes were met with his. Brown, perpetrated with flecks of green. They were red at the corner, like he'd been rubbing them and his cheeks looked flushed and damp.

"Ney, are you alright?" I smiled, stopping midway in the hall.

"I'm fine, I, actually, can we..." He paused and peered down the hall towards the kitchen, assessing something.

He grabbed my hand and whisked me down the corridor.

"What are you.." I whispered, not knowing why I felt the need to keep my voice quiet.

He pressed a finger to his lips and I spotted "shhh" inked across the skin.

We briskly walked through the kitchen, that was now empty, and he ushered me to keep going, telling me to meet him on the beach.

He busied himself in the cupboards and I stared at him for a moment, flitting around the room with a wide grin.

"Go!" He said, over his shoulder.

I laughed and clapped a hand to my mouth to trap any escaping decibels.

I went through the glass doors, onto patio, followed by cold soft sand. I held my hands out to guide me along the dark beach.


Neymar pov

She looked helpless furrowing around the dark for a clear patch of sand; I found it difficult to refrain from picking her up since I had sussed that that annoyed her. A lot.

"Oi" I whispered, planning to ambush her from the side.

"Ney?" she asked, her voice wavering, but looking away from me.

I let silence settle while she felt the air for me.

Laughing, I jumped her from behind but didn't account for her reflexes.

She punched her fist out into the cold and I caught it in my palm. But, her second hand whacked into my stomach moments later.

I wheezed, doubled over, and crouched on the ground at her feet.

"Ney? Ney? Are you there?" She said, the panic evident in her voice.

"Maya, fuck" I moaned.

She kneeled down and finally saw who she had viciously assaulted.

"Warn me next time before you go all Mulan on my ass"

"How about you warn me. I thought you were a murderer or something" she gasped.

"I'm sorry" I said, sheepish.

She then struck my arm, lightly.

"What was that for?"

"You surprised me. I figured it was my turn" she said with a lopsided smile that I could faintly recognise in the dark.

Though I couldn't make out her smile well, her eyes were easy as the shone brightly through the black, those deep, shiny hazel ..

".. If you did I'm sorry, but you can tell me, you know" she babbled.

"What?" I said, snapping back into reality, even though I was enjoying being lost in her gaze.

"Did you hear a word I said?"

"No" I replied blatantly, knowing how violent she could get I didn't see the point in lying.

She hit me anyway. Sometimes you just can't win.

"Open your ears." she said, dragging me off the floor and leading me up onto an empty part of the beach.

A few metres down the dune sat the shadowy figures of an elderly couple and Maya gestured for me to shut up.

Mayara pov

I hugged him as he pushed me off onto the rug that he had placed over the sand.

'Youre making this hard'

'Making What?' I laughed.

He leaned close to me and cupped my face in his hands and closed his eyes.

A moment of clarity caused him to pull away and open them again.

He put his hands together like the CEO of Google or something and i found myself laughing in response.

'Stop I'm trying to be serious'

'Fine fine' I laughed, letting a half serious expression settle on my face, that wouldn't be there for long, I was bad at lying.

'Pretty much every time I see you I want to kiss you may-'

'Neym-'I sighed

'And I know that's wrong that why I've called this meeting'


'Because were respectable adults and I want to talk this through; you're with rafinha and it makes me mad but that's okay too because you're my friend and I want you to be happy'

'Good, I want that too'

This time he laughed.

'But I also want you to know I'm always here if you need anything and if anything goes wrong I'll still be waiting for you at my side of the ring'

'What ring?'

'Like a boxing ring, me and rafa fighting for you'

'I think rafinha's already won neymar, I'm sorry'

He nodded and sighed dramatically, then laughed.

'Now eat, I slaved over this'

I turned to the open packet of Doritos and the sip of lemonade in a glass that sat on the rug.

'Did you get hungry on the way here or?-'

'No' he shrugged, but I saw through his hollow words accompanied with a giggle, 'just like one bite I swear'

'Well I'm not hungry, we ate earlier'

'But this is neymar food'

'The best there is' I stated laughing.

I sat closer to him and rested my head on his chest. We both lay looking at the glittering stars that decorated the black night sky.

'That wasn't all I wanted to say'


Thankyou and for reading and being patient xx

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