Cons and coffee

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Maya pov

Romulo had training all day so I decided I would venture on my own volition to the beach close to his apartment.

It was a warm yet crisp day that I wanted to enjoy to the full since it would be a while until I would see my home town again.

I set up a towel along a quiet stretch of pale sand and slipped off my footwear, soaking in the sun on my already tanned skin.

I started noticing all the small details I would miss and reclined onto my back, closing my eyes as I didn't want to think about leaving.

I contemplated for a long time whether moving to Barcelona was as good an idea as I first assumed.

I ended on the point that a) I had forked out a large amount of money on renting my flat and the flight that would be hell to refund b) I had agreed to work for an old friend and I wasn't one to back out on an agreement c) I'd secured a well paid job in advance and d) my father was an asshole.


Neymar pov

The bed was empty when I woke up and her petite body had left a light imprint in the foam mattress.

I lay silently for a further ten minutes until I gathered the motivation to haul myself from the sheets.

I replaced my naked lower half with a pair of briefs that had been scattered on the floor.

The closer I walked to the kitchen the louder her humming became but I struggled to latch onto what song it was.

She did look stunning but I couldn't say I was falling for her. A girl is far more than just their looks and from the little time I'd spent with her so far I gathered cardboard was more chatty.

She had adopted one of my shirts, this also meant she had gone through my wardrobe to find it. Though I was peeved she'd gone through my things, I couldn't peel my eyes from her curvy legs against my dark tee.

The material clung mid thigh and looked three sizes too big. And her hair fell in a messy knot, framing her large brown eyes.

'Sleep well?' she asked, inquisitively, teetering on her tip toes.

She stood like this for a while until I caught on and kissed her forehead, gently brushing her hair behind her ear.

'Yes' I replied. This was a lie. I had awkwardly fallen asleep with my arm tucked tightly underneath her giving me a dead arm for the majority of the night.

I smiled and began making a cup of coffee. I felt so distant from her and we both looked tense and on edge.

'I'll have some too, thanks' she smiled sweetly, fiddling with the lining of my shirt.

I grabbed another cup and began pouring the liquid into them, the steam began to condense on my face.

She gave me a peck on the cheek and bounced towards the sofa, a warm cup of coffee in hand.

We took occasional sips from our identical grey mugs. I stole odd glances at her to see her features in a better light since I had only really seen her under bed sheets.

She looked different to how I had picture her and without any make-up but I had yet to determine what kind of different.

She flicked through the channels while I assessed the burning sensation that was spreading through my limbs. My body ached all over.

'Neymar.' she said suddenly, 'my flights in two hours.'

I sat silently staring at her. I wasn't sure what I was expecting. I hadn't gone as far to think she'd move in with me and we'd have two twin girls but I thought she might complete a full 24 hours in my presence.

She got up placing a practically full cup of coffee on the table and straddled me.

'Thank you for everything and for being so...' she hesitated and searched the living room walls for an adequate word 'sexy' was all she could muster.

I'll take that.

'Wow, so soon' I whined but internally dancing like I'd got out of jail for good behaviour.

'Don't whine. We can do this again.'

'I'd like that' but I'm busy everyday that ends in a y.

'Ok, well have a good training session' she said, removing herself from my crotch area and brushing down my joggers of creases.

She walked towards the stairs and paused, slowly removing my shirt and dropping it seductively at the bottom step.

She shot me a wink and, braless, and bounded up the steps two at a time.

I held my breath until she was out of my eyesight and breathed out deeply.

Why did I do this? Why did I never learn from my mistakes? I invite these women over and can't find a way for them to stay nor ever want them to.

She stood by the front door impatiently and called me over to help haul her bags into a cab that she'd rung for. She was so eager to leave.

'Bye, Neymar. I'll be back soon, nothing's keeping me away from those washboard abs' she teased, poking me in my stomach with her red acrylics.

'Bye, Camila' I managed to utter and waved slightly too.

Seeing her cab drive down the road was a nicer feeling than scoring a goal.


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