Reflections and medicine

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Mayara pov

The creamy sheets had collected in a pool at my feet. I stared around my room, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

Some mascara and eyeshadow rubbed off on my finger. I felt around the bed for any further clues as to what had happened but my fingers felt nothing.

I fell out of my bed, my legs aching and knees clicking under the strain.

I walked to my bathroom and took a long look at myself in the mirror.

I had aged probably ten years and the bags under my eyes were nearly scraping the floor.

I removed my make-up quickly and closed my eyes as I felt for the tap, not wanting to endure my reflection while I looked like a corpse.

I washed my face and tied my hair into a messy bun, satisfied with how refreshed I felt.

I took off the dress I had slept in and slipped into some cartoon print track pants and a thin grey jumper.

I found some painkillers, to numb the throbbing in my forehead.

I crawled the rest of the journey back to bed and collapsed on the soft mattress, aiming to sleep away the sick feeling knotted in my stomach.

I closed my eyes and hummed in relief as the pain began to subside. I should probably eat too and drink something but laying still was like a slice of heaven.

My phone buzzed and snapped me from my brief bliss as I fumbled around in my bag for it.

I cleared my throat and looked at the caller ID: Rafinha.

"Hey, how are you doing?" He said.

His voice was soothing and felt like medicine for my aching body.

"I'm okay, could be better" I laughed.

"I was calling to say good morning and see if you would be at training today"

"I will do, I'll have to get ready first" I laughed, looking down at my clear faced and unshowered self, "but I've got to get some more shots for the website."

"Can't wait to see you then"

I could picture his smile even though I couldn't see him.

My phone vibrated and a second call was trying to force it's way onto my phone.

"I'm sorry, I'll have to talk to you later, I've got to go"

"Okay beautiful" he said and ended the call.


My phone continued to buzz and I picked up the call, not bothering to check who it was.

"Let me in" chimed Luana.

"No" I croaked and rolled over in the sheets, "break in, I'm not moving"

"Maya move your ass, I've got coffee and aspirin and I'm giving you the morning off work"

"Fine" I moaned, wrapping myself in the sheets and, with stagnant steps, found the door handle.

"Morning" she chirped.

"What the hell?" I sighed and started toward my bedroom.

"Nope, no, não, όχι, nein, non" she steered me towards the kitchen and placed me on a stool at the table.

She rummaged in my fridge and presented me with a fruit plate and some juices. Placing the steaming Starbucks on the dark granite too.

I reached for the coffee and licked off the chocolate coated froth.

"So who did you sleep with last night?" she laughed.

"What? Oh god, what did I do?" I gasped, desperately scraping my memory for any recollection of last nights events.

"Don't worry, you left alone" she laughed.

Not pregnant. That's fine I thought.

"Did I punch anyone?" I asked, "or say some shit about someone?"

"Don't think so"

"Were you sober?"

"High on life, Maya. Not one drop."

That explained her sprightly mood and irritatingly loud voice.

"Can you talk quietly"

"Like this" she yelled and grabbed a strawberry from my plate.

"So, did you and Marc make any advances last night?" I smirked.

"Yeah we kissed and " she said vaguely letting her sentence trail off.

"And what? Lu you dirty-"

"We didn't, but he did come back to mine. He left late and that was it."

"Hmm" I said, unconvinced.

"What about you and Neymar?"

"Me and Neymar?"

"You too were all over each other"

"We were?"


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