Green orbs and cabs

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Neymar pov

Seeing Rafinha walking around clutching another girl, possibly Julia, made my stomach turn.

I clutched Maya tighter to my chest and she smiled half-heartedly into my eyes.

The harsh lighting in Salo Apolo made her green orbs shine in the dark.

"If you want to go, I'll give you a lift home, Maya" I said quietly.

"Neymar, neither one of us should drive right now" she paused "in fact, let's get even more wasted"

She stood up and tugged my shirt.

I was taken aback by her unfazed reaction.

"C'mon we came to party, I'm not ending my night because some asshole's found someone better"

"Trust me, you're Bette-" I tried to interject.

"It's not like we were dating anyway" she continued, "plus I kissed you right? That meant something to me"

"It did?"

She nodded and ran to the dance floor, I trailed behind her grabbing our beers.

We ran into Luana and Marc sucking the air from each other's lungs in the centre of the commotion.

Everyone was oblivious and content just shuffling and swaying with the music.

I followed suit and caught Maya in my arms. We moved with the music together an she smiled up at me.
I kissed her on the forehead and she held my hand tightly.

She continued to stumble upon drinks and I was surprised that the bar man had any alcohol left.

I was growing increasingly worried at this, thinking she would black out any minute and fall and break her ankle in her heels.

She asked me about how the match went I explained how we had won, save Rafinha's goal that is assisted.

If I had known how he planned to mess Maya about I would've aimed it at his face.


We drank and danced until we could no longer stand and I hoisted her out into the street.

Her eyes adjusted to the night sky and she stared in amazement at the stars that cluttered the black.

She was even more beautiful when she was dazed and confused.

"Let's get you home huh?" I asked, laughing as she stumbled around grabbing onto me.

You could say I was significantly more sober.

She grabbed my face and kissed me fully on the lips and then quickly let go.

"Thank you, Neymar" she said spreading her arms wide and hugging me around the waist. "thank you for a great night."

"You won't be thanking me when you get your hangover tomorrow."

She laughed.

"Promise you'll drink loads of water before you go to bed." I said holding her in my arms.

She stuck out her pinky and I shook it.

"Promise" she smiled.

A cab pulled up and I piled her into the back seat, tucking her legs in since they were dangling outside of the door frame.

She kissed me again and I let go abruptly, remembering she wouldn't have any idea most of this had happened and I didn't want to take advantage of that.

I made my way to the driver and passed him some notes.

She yelled her address from the back seat and I gave the driver some more to make sure he did a good job.

"Can you watch her walk all the way into her house and make sure she gets home"

"Of course, mate"

"Text me when you get home, Maya" I said turning to her and she blew my a kiss.

"I can only drive her home but I'm sure she'll be fine, good night sir"

They drove off and I stood biting my thumb with images of her blacking out on her kitchen tiles and moaning flooded my mind: she'd be fine I was just being anxious.


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