Completion and hungarian

84 9 0

Mayara pov

Luana drove us back to the office and parked up neatly in her reserved spot.

We left the camera equipment but transferred all of our notes and pictures into the office, which nearly broke my back since we had collected so much material.

I sat at my desk and drew a blank, staring at the fresh empty document on the computer screen.

Luana sat on the edge of the desk and added a styrofoam cup filled with steaming coffee to the arrangement of pens, paper and random notes strewn across the surface.

"It will come" she reassured me and walked back into her private office tucked away from all of the receptionists and secretaries surrounding my workspace.

I took a cautious sip of my coffee blowing it hard to make sure I wouldn't burn my tongue. The warm liquid touched my lips and my fingers began jolting along the keyboard spewing words across the blank space.


The churn of words resting on the screen, on the whole, wasn't particularly inspiring and I took it on myself to hammer that into my mind.

I read it through a few more times and began highlighting the parts that needed improvement until the entire piece was awash with green for 'growing' and yellow for 'you're getting there'. I had no idea how the colours would help but they did seem to have an effect.

After redrafting and many hours of editing I had the final product, far more detailed and invigorating than the first feeble attempt.

I seemed to have grasped my own style and smattered all of the sequential articles with the same streak of humour muddled with analysis.

Adding my own first glimpses of photography that I had snapped during their warm up sessions and small inter- club matches, I decorated the page with as much colour as the printer allowance deemed appropriate and sent copies to Luana, crossing my fingers and any other limb that could do the same , hoping she would like it.

I breathed out deeply and sat back in my chair, taking a long swig from my 4th coffee. I checked the time. 18:47. I had been typing, with the exception of a loo break and 23 minute coffee run via a brief conversation with the janitor, for 3 and a half hours.

I stepped into Luana's office and fell into her large couch that occupied a large proportion of the room.

"We'll meet up and get ready together for this party" she said, not removing her eyes from her computer. Her long filed nails were locked to her keyboard.

"Sure, I didn't know you were going"

"Marc asked me to come"

"You and Marc, huh?" I cooed and she pushed me out of the room.

"Get going, you worked hard today" she laughed and closed the door.

I pressed my face to the glass pane separating her office from the other staff and she came out and hugged me.

The staff included a short round faced lady named Helena who lived miles away from the office, had 3 boys and taught Hungarian at an evening class in a university nearby, a tall bald older gentleman called Ricardo who had 3 ex wives and gave great details about his recent divorce to a woman who had cheated on him with his brother and finally a young trainee called Elena who was about my height and cared greatly about fashion and current affairs in the lives of the Kardashians.

It was comforting to be involved in such a small firm with a few staff members. Everyone was so welcoming and I gelled well with them from the offset. They all chipped in to help me complete my first article.

Exhausted and tired I headed for bus.

That wouldn't be a usual day I reminded myself, my first report would always be my hardest. It can only get easier with experience.

The bus hit a pothole and a crumped note flew from my jacket pocket that I had forgotten to look at.

It had the notes I had made talking to Neymar on it. There weren't many since I was distracted by his voice and stories.

My mind ventured back to when Neymar had told me to include him in my article about the camp by calling him a 'hot tour guide'.

I agreed with the concept, he was very good looking and had a jaw that was chiseled by the gods, but I hadn't written or even thought about him since his tour, until now.

I silently hoped he would be at the party tonight and I was excited to spend more time with Rafinha.


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