Confessions and mint

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Mayara pov

"Ok, so I have a confession" he said as we parked outside a pink tinted glass cafe.

"I didn't just want to give you a lift and have ice cream, I actually want to explain some things to you."

"Ok, what are these things?" I laughed as we found a seat close to the large window.

He sat opposite me.

"When I first met you I-" he blushed but continued regardless, "I thought you were beautiful but at the time I was with another girl. I-"

"Rafinha, -"

"I'm not done, it's gets better" he laughed and shifted awkwardly in his seat, "well I invited you to that party, as you already know."

I nodded, intrigued.

"Well this girl also wanted to go with me and her being my girlfriend I couldn't-"

"I know, you couldn't say no"

"Exactly. But she was all over me and I kept trying to leave her and find you but she made me leave with her"

He looked at me and tried searching my mind to see if I'd formed an opinion on his excuse: I hadn't.


"So, I went home with her and I told her I wanted to break up, then she's really pissed at me because she knew I was looking for you."

"Ok" I said unsure of what to think or believe. It dawned on me I had, in effect, broken their relationship.

A waiter arrived at our table and abruptly paused our conversation.

"The double mint choc with peanuts and strawberry sauce, please" Rafinha said, politely.

"And for the lady?" the waiter smile forcefully.

"I'll have the um-" all the writing melted together and I was struggling to understand any of the words, the waiter scoured at my incompetence,"a single vanilla and blueberry with pomegranate seeds and chocolate sauce, thanks"

He scuttled away looking thoroughly pissed that we had given him the task of writing and then yelling to a flustered girl preparing the ice creams.

He relaxed in a leather booth and stared us down.

"He's pleasant" I laughed.


"Carry on, you didn't finish"

"Ok, so I thought you hated me-"

"I didn't"

"Well I thought it, so I avoided you yesterday. But I really want to talk to you."

"How come you spoke to me on the phone like normal?"

He paused, trying to get his facts straight which concerned me, if he was really telling the truth they wouldn't be any need to think.

"It's because it wasn't me in person I just got really nervous. But yesterday, I saw you with Neymar and just put me out of my misery are you with him?" He said moving on quickly.

He clenched his eyes shut and braced for my answer.

"No, of course not" I laughed.

"Well then, we're both single."

"Very true."

"I'm just really sorry for messing you about and giving you confusing signals"

He seemed sincere. He deserved a clean slate and it wasn't like I hadn't kissed another guy.

"It's okay, rafa" I smiled.

"So" he paused and took a deep breath and held my hands across the table, "I really like you and before I fall too fast I want to get to know you"

"Okay, last name?" I questioned.



"Pretty" he nodded, "okay, now me. your first impression of me?"


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