Waltzing and plus ones

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Mayara pov

Once I was confident I'd taken enough notes about the scenery and the atmosphere of the grounds to successfully write my report, I stashed my notebook and laptop away into my bag then began the tedious process of packing up the camera equipment.

Rafinha jogged over to me after he'd finished talking to Luiz, like he'd promised he would do.

He knelt down on the grass and helped me lug the bags back to the car.

I couldn't see Luana anywhere but I'm sure she'd found someone or somewhere to be professional and business-y.

"I'm sorry I couldn't give you a tour of the Camp but you can have a tour of my bedroom anytime" he said smirking.

His words hung in the air for a few seconds before he piped up again.

"I was joking, don't look so scared" he laughed, noting my worried face.

"And here's me thinking your a gentleman" I laughed.

"I am" he said bowing and dropping the bags on the gravel. He lifted my arm up and snaked the other around his shoulder into a waltz position: then span me around and dipped my back onto his knee, until our faces were only inches away.

"And I can dance" he chimed, "but I think you knew that"

He spun me round again and hummed something that didn't sound human.

"But I can't sing"

"I think I knew that" we both said together, laughing.

"Don't worry, neither can I" this was the truest of truths there was, I was really awful.

Awful to the point where at a school play audition the teacher stood up and got a bucket because she felt sick, I still claim she was being overly dramatic but I'll admit it is painful to hear me.

"We've got work to do, Maya. so if you'd kindly stop dancing with our clients I would appreciate it" Luana laughed popping her head up from behind the car which shocked me.

"Where were you?" I asked, releasing my grip from Rafinha.

"I was- it doesn't matter now, were very busy" she said grabbing my hand and leading me away from Rafinha.

I laughed and shrugged her off.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about not being around much earlier, so I was wondering if you'd want to come to the party after the match, as my plus 1" Rafinha asked, slipping his hand around my back as he walked me to the passenger seat.

It felt alien for a man's hand to be roaming around my back but comforting as well.

"I'll be there" I nodded and sat down in the leather.

He held the door open and leaned onto the metal that was now searing hot from the lengthy exposure to the sun.

"Well I'll need your number or address" he laughed.

"That's probably a good idea, is the party here, or -"

"It's at 'Sala Apolo' in the city centre, you'll know it when you see it"

"I probably won't" I said, "I only just moved here a couple days ago"

"That's why you speak perfect Portuguese"

"Yes, smart ass, I'm from Brazil"

"Tell me all of this later" he cut me off, as we both looked at Luana who was growing more fidgety in the front seat with every word we exchanged.

For someone who was usually so relaxed and care free it was strange to see her so on edge and pensive. I made a mental note to find out where she had been.

I grabbed a pen that was conveniently placed above the glove box and wrote my number along his toned arm.

"See you later, Maya" he whispered close to my ear and kissed my cheek, closing the door.

Luana's jaw flew out of the window as we pulled out of the car park and she tapped my hand like a 3 year asking if I had games on my phone.

"Tell me every fricking thing, Maya. I shotgun bridesmaid" she squealed.


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P.s. Early to call but are you #Neyara or #Mayfinha ...? Feel free to make better ship names and comment your opinions thank you lovelies ❤️❤️

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