chapter 29- missing

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You woke up to hear a quiet hotel room, hearing no screaming or any type of noise. You got out of bed, worried something might happen to the members. "Anyone here?" No one answered. You were really scared now. You tried calling chan but he didn't answer, you than tried calling Lee know and seungmin, neither of them answering. "Chan? Please? Is someone here?" You were so scared by this point, you didn't know what to do, you eventually called your manager and they answered "Good morning y/n, is everything ok?" They ask you because you never call them that early "no, *managers name*, no one is in our hotel room and they won't answer my calls and I'm so worried.. did they told you something about that?!?" You asked with clear panic in your voice. "First of all, relax, I'm sure they are ok where ever they are. Now, try to remember if they told you so,ething because we have to find them now, before the cameras do." They told you "I can hear you being relax..." You said sarcastically to your manager, it was the type of humor you two had, but it wasn't time for jokes, Atlist not until you find out where all the members are. "I'll call anyone who knows them." You said and hung up.

"Come on, answer" you said while trying to call the other members. You also called their parents to ask if they know something, but no one actually did. "Where can they go?" Hannah (chans sister and my future wife) said. "Maybe I should just go look for them?" You said. "But isn't that dangerous? I mean, don't go alone, especially when you don't know where!" Sha said, but in that point you didn't really cared, you just wanted to find them and know they are fine. You hung up on Hannah and run from the hotel room. Didn't know where are you running, but you just run. You finally made it to the lobby, asking the woman standing there if she saw one of them leaving. "I haven't saw any young man walking here this morning, sorry. I do recommend on checking on the facility's in side of the hotel, maybe they just turned down their phones and wanted to relax?" The dask officer said. "Thank you so much!" You said and run again, this time,e towards the gym, maybe she was right and they wanted to get zero distractions. By getting to the gym, you looked for them, and of course they weren't there, you decided to go to the pool and the spa and every other thing they could of do. You eventually broke and thought it was time to go back to your room. You tried calling them again, and again, not one of them answering. You started crying out of desperate, you needed chans warm hug and changbins sweet words. You needed them so bad you prayed they'll be there I any second.

You suddenly hear something moves behind the door but you weren't quick enough to open the door before that person. You got scared, trying to hide your voice, who earlier was filled with worries and crying. You slowly reached the door and you heard a voice of one person, a voice you don't recognize. Than, a second after hearing this voice you hear the sound of keys getting into the look, than hearing them turning around. You finally hear the door being held, turned around and than, opened. Your heart rate was really high, and than you saw the person...

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