chapter 28- mess

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First of all, sorry for not updating in a long time... I've been really busy with school and dance. I'll try to update as much as I can.

"My love, let's go...we don't want to be late!"
Chan said as you got your make up done. "I'm coming in a bit, wait for me!!" You yelled from the bathroom door. In the same time you heard Lee know screams on hyunjin, who is stuck in the other bathroom, as you are, trying to get ready. "Can I? It'll be quick I promise" Han said but when you said no it was too late and now han is in, nervous, trying to find something. "Did anyone know where my hair rolls are?" And than just Felix burges in, also looking for something. "Y/n, do you have anything that could block water to get in my phone?" He asks you out of nowhere. "Why would you need something like that?"  You with confused eyes. "So my wouldn't get wet from  water..." Felix responded. "And why would you ever put your phone in the water?" You asked again. "Yeah you're right, I'll just use I.ns phone!" He said and run away, you of course tried to chase him and tell him that's not what you ment.

it was such a mess in the dorms, everyone screaming, searching for things, waiting for hyunjin to get out of the bathroom and chan was just yelling at everyone to hurry up.

So, the reason all this happened was your first world tour with skz! You were supposed to go in a week but jyp decided you all needed a break, and that you could write songs in this little vacation. You were going to jeju island since the first two concerts are in korea.
"We need to leave in 8 minutes, guys!" Chan sounded nervous while saying that.
"Chan, which shirt looks better with this pants?" You asked him "you look good in everything honey, but please decide now, so we won't be late" He responded and you just ignored him and went to ask han. "This one's better, it suits amazing with your skin tone" Han said and you hugged him, saying "thank God there's someone who knows me good here.." in a sassy way, turning to chan.

After 10 minutes, chan finally got all of you to leave the dorms and you were on your way to the airport. In the airport there were many fans and cameras, taking pictures of you and chan mostly, but also the other members. The members knew it'll be this way since you and chan were kind of a new couple so they were fine with not being the center of attention, they did got a lot of love, like always. Getting in the airport was quiet and relaxing, not like the outside, when there's so many people, focusing on you. You did like the fans and smiled but it was just calmer without all this noise.
After some time you got into the airplane and sat in your sit, next to chan and hyunjin. Hyunjin asked if he could drow you, you said yes and asked in which pose.

Time skip to the evening after you landed:
Felix, seungmin and changbin did a live and you and I.n decided to join. "Our lion and baby bread wanted to join!" The comments were really nice, you were very touched by it. "Hi stay!" I.n said and you after him. "So what do you want to do?" Felix asked. "maybe we'll speak only in English for the rest of the live?" You suggest "that's a good idea y/nie!!" Felix said in English. "Stay! Do you want to do this challenge with us?" Changbin said in broken English, honestly kind of screaming it. "Stay said they are up to this! Let's do it!!" Felix Said.
The rest of this live you kept speaking English and it was so funny seeing changbin, seungmin and I.n struggle.

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