chapter 21- siblings

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I heard some noise outside my room but ignored it and kept sleeping. "Y/n! Y/n! Open up!" It was oliver, he sounded mad. "Oliver we are trying to sleep" I NEEDED sleep more than ever. "If you won't open I will" you growl and went towards the door. You were a little late since oliver already opened the door. "I heard chan stayed here last night! Where is he?!?" You've never seen oliver that mad. "He's sleeping so stop yelling and tell me what's wrong" you drag him out of the room to let chan sleep. "What is it oliver?". "What is it you ask, well it's the fact that my sister and my friend are sleeping in the same room. I can't trust chan anymore, he promised me he wouldn't hurt you!" Oliver yelled. "What do you think is our relationship, oliver? I know you are not that stupid to think that we haven't slept together, I mean, we're dating for a while now. And even if you were worried about me, chan would never hurt me and sleeping with me Is not hurting. And for the record, not that you should care, we didn't sleep together last night." You were so angry with oliver, although he is your brother he has no right to say or do that. "Y/n, I just want to protect you because I know a man's mind, and although I trust chan in any other subject, I won't let anyone my trust when it comes to you." Deep inside you felt touched but quickly remembered why you were ,and at him. "It feels nice to know you will protect me, but honestly, I don't need your protection right now, especially like this. I mean, chan is one of the best things that happened to me lately and I know he will protect me from anything. So, I do appreciate your concern but you did cross the line right now." You said, knowing that you were right, even if it hurts your brother, he did cross the line this time. "Sorry y/n, I'm just worried. you are living in fucking korea, the whole world knows you, you live with 8 boys and one of them is your boyfriend and my childhood friend and we are not talking much and I know that our sisters are concern too. You can't blame me, right?" Oliver was right this time, you did live in another country, a whole big and different life from what you had here, in Australia. "You're right about that, I'm sorry, I should've called more and tell you more but you guys have to know I'm more than fine, I'm living my dream, with people who became my family." You said, thinking about how you love and appreciate the members. "We know you live the dream, and we are so happy for you but it feels like we are not longer a part of your life." Your twin, Emma says, and right behind her stands Zoe, your little sister. "You guys are and always been the biggest and happiest part of my life, and nothing could change the fact I love you more than anything. I'm so sorry for making you feel that way." You guys all hugged and you promised them you would call more and share more.

That day you spent all of your time with you siblings, and with chan who kind of became Zoes older brother, she just adores him. She even told me her bias changed and chan is her bias now instead of han and I thought she was going to say it's me, her sister, bit it's a good progress.

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