chapter 27- dating

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'Hello, this is jyp entertainment.
We would like to respond to the latest news regarding bangchan and y/n from straykids.
Yesterday, they celebrated chans birthday with a dinner and a walk and they "got caught".

We would like to inform that the two of our artists, chan and y/n is officially dating.

The two of them wanted their relationship to be revealed, and they planned on doing that in 3 weeks and to preform together with a song and dance cover they made especially.

We are asking your understanding and we want to assure you, this relationship brings joy to our artists, and we are truly supporting the young couple. Thank you.'

Comment section:

3,874 likes, 243 comments
'I feel like this relationship is a pure thing, we shouldn't ruin it, please, if you support this message, spread it as much as you can'

405 likes, 98 comments
'I can understand y/n and chan but I feel like it's too soon, I mean she just joined the group...'

96 likes, 184 comments
'I still think this would be bad, but I guess have nothing to do about it'

4,008 likes, 73 comments
'Guys omg I'm so happy for them, I knew they would be together. I hope they have the most wholesome relationship!!'
"Y/n, please look at the comments, I assure you, it's fine, it's all good." Seungmin said, trying to make you feel better. You hesitate and eventually open and read every single comment. You cried, but this time you felt stays love, you felt them supporting you, you felt warmnes in your body, getting to every corner. You finally felt belong to hear, to this group, to this community. You saw the bad comments too, but in this point, you honestly didn't care, just seeing the good responses.
You suddenly felt the urge to hug chan, to say thank you, to be relieved together. You two are finally not a secret!
The day of your preformens came, it would be the first time of you two being together in public, in a concert since the reveal of your relationship. You were really nervous but you new the members will hype you up from the crowd. It was in a TV show that had Idols preform every week. You were alone in the dressing room, after people made your hair and make up, waiting to be called up on stage.
"Our next thing on the list for today's show is...the new couple, chan and y/n from straykids!!!" The host said and the crowd cheers. Chan ca,e in first and started singing and when you came in the crowd screamed, it seemed like they loved seeing the combination of the two of you.
You finished singing and dancing. "Thank you so much! Cheer for them!!" The host said and the crowd did as she asked. "Thank you so much!" You said facing the cameras.
"You can sit down now!" The host said and pointed towards a sofa "it was absolutely amazing, your preformens and the energy you have!" She said with excitement in her voice. "Thank you! We worked on that a lot... it took us about a week to just choose the song, there's so many options, but this dance is absolutely iconic (and they love doing iconic shit)" You said, turning to see chans expression. "Wow, It must of been hard.
Now, I get that you two knows each other since you were kids?" She asked. "Yeah, I was her brothers best friend and I had the biggest crush on her since she was in 5th grade, at first when she came auditioning I didn't recognize her but when I first saw her in korea, when she arrived here, three days after her audition, I knew it was her and my old feelings came back." Chan said with little embarrassment on his face.
That interview was 10 minutes long, you told her everything about how your relationship started and some information about the life with the members and in the end everyone joined and told funny stories that happened with the two of you. It was so fun!

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