chapter 6- sleepover

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"Omg Oliver! I haven't seen you since I left! Wait, y/n is your sister?!?"
Chan said and left my mouth wide open, I couldn't believe that chan is THE chan.

he was one of my brothers best friends until he moved to Korea to become an idol.
"Omg chan, it's so nice to see you, I watched some videos of your group! It's nice to know someone will protect y/n" while Oliver spoke, I was still in shock.
"Wait a second... one of your best friends were chan from stray kids? I'm speechless" Zoe said and chan just laugh "we can be best friends if you want, Zoe! But first I have a question for you, who's your bias?" Chan still laughs looking curious.

"My bias is Han, I love him so much!! can I show you guys my albums and posters?" Zoe asked in excitement "of course you can Zoe!" Felix seemed almost as excited as Zoe. She showed them her room and it was filled with pics of them and other groups like txt, enhypen, p1h and a lot more.
the members told her they met with all those Idols and they are all so nice.

She was so happy but then her mom said she needs to go sleep. they were talking for more then half an hour just with Zoe, as soon as she said goodbye, oliver told chan to text him and they ended the conversation with y/n promising to call her family tomorrow.
"Im So sorry for that, guys. I knew Zoe talks a lot but this is a whole new level." Y/n said "no worries she's cute and we love meeting young stays! they are so cute, plus we found out your brother and chan knows each other and we're now friends with zoe and the rest of you're family is also really nice so I don't see here a reason to apologize." Seungmin said.
"Thank you guys so much! I'm really tired... maybe we should watch a movie tomorrow?" It was kinda late and everyone was tired so you all agreed and got to your rooms.
"Hey y/n isn't it cool we know each other? I didn't meet you a lot when we were young, but you really changed since I last seen you." Chan said as soon as you got into your room. Felix was showering so it was onlyyou and chan. "Yes, and you have really changed too I didn't recognize you or even something close to it," you both laughed "I mean you were kinda familiar but I just assumed you had that face." You and chan continued talking until Felix came in. and since you talked that much you were not sleepy anymore so you, Felix and chan did an ausi sleep over until really late.
in that sleep over you talked and got to know each other better and at some point all the other members joined cuz they woke up from the sound of your laughter. You realized you and the members are so alike and that you have so much in common with everyone, you're just like them.
It was really late and all the members left the room including Felix who went cuddle with changbin. Y/n were sound sleeping.

Chans pov:
Y/n was asleep. she was so cute!!! I knew I couldn't be with her cuz we are in the same group now and because her brother was one of my best friends, like a brother to me.
But she is so pretty and I had a crush on her since 5th grade but forgot all about it, but here she is now, and the feelings came back but now as an adult it's stronger and means something else, I want to be with y/n but I can't.
I just stared at her, at how perfect she was and didn't realize I was falling asleep next to her.

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